Wow, Sue Lowden is really putting her moneychickens where her mouthfoot is:
GOP candidate asks supporters to donate chickens to her U.S. Senate campaign
Winnemucca, NV -- Sue Lowden, the likely Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, today asked campaign donors to make contributions in the form of live chickens instead of cash.
"What this campaign really needs now is chickens," Lowden said. "You can use chickens for pretty much anything you can use cash for, except with chickens, you'll have something to eat if your family gets sent off to the FEMA camps with Glenn Beck."
Lowden said that because they were edible, chickens were actually more valuable than dollars, and that chicken donations would be the key to her victory. "If we can build a warchest of ten to twenty million chickens, we'll definitely be able to beat Harry Reid this November."
Lowden said she was requesting that supporters donate chickens as a way to show solidarity with her plan to bring back the barter system after the GOP repeals health care reform. Lowden says she is "not backing down" from her barter proposal which includes her now famous campaign slogan "bring a chicken to the doctor."
To avoid any accusations of socialism, Lowden requested that all donated chickens be interviewed by Glenn Beck for capitalist purity. Among the criteria: the chickens must have been hatched on private land, they must never have used any public natural resource including water and air, and they must never have been transported on a public road that has received any Federal funding.
That bit of snark aside, Lowden really did say she is "not backing down" on her barter plan, including the idea that people should "bring a chicken to the doctor."