Today is a lovely day. Not a cloud in the sky and the birds are all a tweet. Better yet approximately 30 minutes ago a very important time and date parallax was reached.
Ladies and gentlemen it was 4:20 on 420.
I've never smoked drugs in my life. I've never drunken either. Hell I haven't even had sex. I'm a perfect goody two shoes.
Nonetheless I reccomend, no I URGE all citizens of this nation to go out and BREAK THE LAW.
I URGE you all to smoke Cannabis today. Mary Jane. Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Whatever you want to call it.
It's less deadly than Tobacco, less dangerous than Alcohol, and can even stop the growth of Cancer.
I'm a strong beleiver that if everyone in the world smoked pot the world would be a lot better off.
Thinking back to a earlier post of mine where I was accused of suggesting people commit a criminal felony act. Even thought I did no such thing, I decided to give a big shoutout to the system: Fuck you.
I'm supporting and suggesting you commit a criminal act today. Do It.