Crossposted from Docudharma
Yes it is true.
America's Financial Elite are immoral and avaricious. Willing to kill people rather than pay for them to be healed, willing to throw people out of their homes as they bet against, and thus effect, the economy that puts the food on our tables for our children to eat.
America's military elite are immoral. Willing to cover up massacres and atrocities, pushing for ever more, endless war to 'keep them in business.' Willing to engage in torture. Engaging in a deeply corrupt contracting and appropriations process that soaks the life out of our economy, corrupts the halls of power, and makes war necessary in order to justify America spending more money on the business of killing people than nearly all of the rest of the world put together. This huge section of our corrupt economy, at the end of the day has only one purpose: Killing people.
America's Intelligence elite are immoral and always have been. From overthrowing governments to torture and assassination.
America's Industrial elite are immoral. Willing to send the vital jobs that support our economy and our families overseas to make a few more pennies. Willing to knowingly hire undocumented workers for the same reason. And that reason is not the excuse they use of the 'survival' of their industries, but for higher profits for themselves. Just as is the all too prevalent practice of using complicated tax accounting to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Just as is the practice of firing older workers and hiring part time help to avoid paying benefits. And perhaps most harmful of all, busting the unions that made sure that workers shared in the profits of industry.
America's political elite are immoral. From selling their votes to the financial elite to literally looking the other way (Look Forward)after America has tortured and waged an immoral war that killed up to a million innocent people. From rigging elections outright to gerrymandering districts to keep themselves in power. From placing political considerations above doing the right just outright doing things that are wrong, like keeping equal rights from one segment of America's population.
There is undoubtedly a clear and deeply immoral component of our political elite: The Republican Party. They blatantly serve and are owned by the segment of the population, the 1%, that drive the rampant immorality. Their unified vote yesterday to allow the immorality of Wall St. to proceed unchecked is bald faced proof of that. But corruption unopposed, spreads. Compromising with immorality is immoral. Not calling out and calling out criminality is criminal. And once compromised with, once excused, once allowed, corruption is insidious. Compromising with corruption corrupts the compromisers. By definition.
America's media elite are immoral and dishonest. Willing to give us the news that sells rather than the news that portrays the world as it is. Rather than give us the information on just how immoral the rest of our nation's elite really is, thus allowing us to actually DO something with the information. The information that they don't give us.
And the elite all excuse each others immorality. Excuse it, gloss over it, ignore it and pretend that what they are doing is not immoral. Because doing anything else, such as confronting each others immorality and greed would mean facing their own.
And it is all very "pragmatic."
"Pragmatic" has become a word that's currently translates into 'accepting corruption." Accepting greed. Accepting immorality.
As 'pragmatism' has become a revered word and moral stance, somehow purity has simultaneously become a reviled word and moral stance.
Greed is immoral. Greed pursued to the point of killing innocents, whether through war or cancellation of insurance policies or providing unsafe workplaces like coal mines is deeply immoral. As is taking away people's jobs or turning them out of their homes purely for profit.
When a societies elite become corrupt and immoral, the society itself becomes corrupt and immoral. When the most powerful society on the planet becomes corrupt and immoral, that corruption and immorality spreads to other societies who are in competition with that society.
The People of America are a moral people and they are now, as it can no longer be denied or excused just how immoral and corrupt the elite have become starting to call them to account.
There is however a very real problem. The corruption of the elite has become so pervasive and accepted....that there is no longer any standard of morality. No valid moral code, ethic or standard to hold them to.
And in perhaps the most immoral act of all, this greed, corruption, and immorality are now imminently threatening the health and safety of the planet itself. And thus ALL of humanity.