There are only 180 days between now and Election Day. And we’re going to have to fight tooth and nail to beat back those seeking to bring about a 180 degree reversal from the progress we’ve been making.
Since President Obama’s historic election, we’ve brought about the change our nation is clamoring for – from making sure women receive equal pay to providing assistance to homeowners and small businesses. Moreover, the history books will surely look back on extending health care coverage to 35 million more Americans as a massive achievement.
Nonetheless, our opponents want to turn back the clock to the days when Bush-Cheney policies put the well-connected at the top of the agenda and Rove politics ruled the day. Our opponents are seeking to reverse all the progress we’re making. And they have deep pockets to fund those candidates and causes who share their regressive goals.
I need your help to fight back.
I hope you’ll consider attending our campaign kickoff fundraiser next Friday, May 14th at Tim McLoone’s Supper Club in Asbury Park. To RSVP, please contact Alison Zayas at or (732) 571-4141. Even if you can’t make this event, please consider making a secure online donation, so I can continue doing the job I was sent to do. Just $50, $25 or even $10 can make a huge difference.
I will never forget who I am, where I came from or who I work for. My heart lies in fighting for my constituents – and when I disagree with my own party, I speak up. This is exactly what happened last month when President Obama brought up the notion of expanding offshore drilling. I believe the limited amount of oil offshore in the Atlantic is simply not worth the risk of drilling. Sadly, we are seeing the disastrous effects of this misguided policy in the Gulf right now. I will always fight to make sure New Jersey’s beaches, fisheries and shore economies are protected. That’s why I just introduced a bill to increase oil company liability from $75 million to $10 billion. Big Oil should pay the bills for all the harm they cause.
Only 180 days stand between now and Election Day. And nothing should stand in the way of continuing the progress we’ve been making. I hope I can count on your continued support to provide our campaign with the resources needed to grow our grassroots operation and fight back against those who seek to turn reverse all the good we’re doing.