In a startling development today, President Obama flew to Grand Isle, Louisiana to take another look at the damage from the Deepwater Oil Rig disaster, took the form of Aquaman, dove into the Gulf of Mexico and plugged the pipe that has been spewing oil into the Gulf for nearly two months.
"I didn't want to have to take the form of a superhero this early in my Presidency, but I could no longer wait on the sidelines and watch as attempt after attempt to stem the flow of oil failed" said President Obama. "I had to take action, and that's what I did".
Both sides were quick to condemn the President's actions.
"There is no law that this President will not break." said Glenn Beck on Fox News. "Aquaman is the intellectual property of DC Comics, and by taking his form, he has broken numerous copyright infringement laws. Just like Hitler did in Nazi Germany."
Senator McDoodle (R-TN) was quick to call for impeachment.
"By using DC Comics' property without permission, the President has committed 'high crimes and misdemeanors'. I, along with Representative Brainer will be recommending impeachment procedings begin immediately."
While the Democrats have a majority in the Congress which would seem to make this an unlikely scenario, it is expected that they will get enough Blue Dog votes to move forward. Insiders say that if they were to vote against impeachment, they would look "soft on crime" and may not get Republican votes they need to win in November. The DCCC and DSCC are said to be turning a blind eye to the vote in order to preserve the Democratic majorities.
The left was also quick to challenge President Obama's move today.
"Once again, when given the option, the President has chosen the supposed middle path." said influential blogger Alana Puffington. "Why did he choose Aquaman when he could have chosen to take the form of Superman and flew around the Earth to turn back time and keep this disaster from happening in the first place?" Others stated that a President Kucinich would have done just that - and much earlier.
In addition, the American Ecological Warriors condemned the President for not stopping to rescue a flock of pelicans before diving below to stop the leak. "I thought we had elected an environmental President. Apparently not." said the group's spokesperson.
More tonight on CNN, as we look into both sides of this developing disaster.