Will Phillips is a hero and well known one at that. The 10 year old has his own wikipedia page for pete's sake. He was on the Daily Show and now he has been picked as the Grand Marshall for the Northwest Arkansas Pride Parade.
The parade will be held in Fayetteville June 26th from 10 am until noon ending with a proclamation to be read by Fayetteville's Mayor Lioneld Jordan.
Despite the acceptance provided by the local community and the government to this parade and the willingness of the Mayor to stand up for Gay Rights the city has come under attack from the American Family Association.
The wingnut organization posted a press release just the other day stating that
This weekend, the Northwest Arkansas Gay Pride Parade will have a 10-year-old boy, Will Marshall, serving as Grand Marshal. The boy says of homosexuals that this "is the way they are born."
"It’s shameful that adults would abuse a brain-washed child in this way," said AFA president Tim Wildmon. "He’s obviously just parroting the nonsense he’s been told by manipulative adults.For gay activists to trot out this child and make him the poster child for promoting unnatural sexual expression is a form of child abuse.
"When you realize that the FDA won’t allow a male to donate blood if he’s had sex with another male even one time since 1977, you begin to understand the enormous health risks involved in this kind of sexual behavior," added Wildmon. "We call on Mayor Lioneld Jordan of Fayetteville to cancel his plans to issue a proclamation celebrating homosexual behavior and Gay Pride. There is nothing about homosexual conduct to be proud of, and much to be ashamed of."
Furthermore they began a email campaign against the event sending more than 300 Emails to the Mayor's Office.
We can't let this kind of activity stand unchallenged. Mayer Jordan has promised to continue with the Parade. But it is OUR time to show the support for the parade.
The city has received 300 emails against the Parade. I want them to receive double that amount in support by Saturday. You can find the form that the AFA put up to email the city here. With a few keystrokes you can cut out the text and change it to a pro pride message. Or you can contact the Mayor directly here.
I suggest you all do so and support the City and Mayor of Fayetteville against these absurd and homophobic claims and the anti-gay sentiment it has spewed.