The Republicans, since 1980, always run up our National Deficit. It's a fact.
Will the Democrats EVER start shouting this from the rooftops?
Will we EVER see this chart on the news?
And todays deficit. Where did it come from?
Not from socially responsible programs to create jobs, feed people, and keep roofs over Americans' heads like FDR. Or to make us more energy independent. Or to make a US education one of the top ten in the world. Nope. Au contraire, mon ami!
Tax cuts for the most wealthy and a mostly privatized war. Starkly simple, yet true.
I highly recommend Stephen Bloch's deficit analysis. Stephen determined that:
If you include fiscal 2008-2009, G.W. Bush's "average annual deficit minus first-year deficit" was over three times the corresponding figure for FDR.
What? Whaatttt?
This is ludicrous and lame beyond imagination.
It's like worrying about whether or not the red wine stain will come out of the Emperor's new robe while Rome is Burning. The Roman people could have cared less, at the time, about the red wine stain!
The millions who have been tossed into the 18%-20%+++ American poverty rate, the 8 million who have lost their homes, and an undetermined number of millions who are underemployed, must feel like they have joined the other millions of previously forgotten Americans.
Really, Americans care much more about having both a job and a semblance of job security right now, then they do about the deficit.
Please, don't let them get away with this shell game.
The only thing David Axelrod Et Al should be talking about on Sunday morning is how they plan to employ millions of eager-to-work-again Americans and plans for saving the homes of innocent, long-term unemployeds. These two issues can keep majorities in Congress. Let the GOP do all their foot stomping, crazy issue arguing on Fox, and finger pointing.
At the ballot box, in democratic secrecy, Americans will vote for the persojn/party they believe cares about whether or not they and their family members have a job and a roof over their heads.
It's not Political Rocket Science.
And when you hear either side mention ANY form of tax cuts to solve our economic woes, know you are being lied to, AGAIN.
Tax cuts cause deficits. Unfunded war spending causes deficits. It's plain and simple. It's not Accounting Rocket Science. If you take in less than you spend, you have a deficit. In the governments case, if they take in less taxes then they spend, we have a national deficit.
The Republicans caused the deficit.
Here's the chart, again. Deficits with the Tax cuts and Deficits without the Tax cuts:
One more time, tax cuts for the wealthy and military spending created our deficits. To fix the deficits, reverse the tax cuts (not for the middle class, if there still is one) and reduce military spending.
They are coming for our Social Security and other social safety nets. It's been a neo-liberal dream for years and they are using the deficit as an excuse to get this heartless desire manifest. I call it Manifest Poverty.
Don't let them. Make them return to fiscal sanity in the same way it worked for decades. Reverse the tax cuts. Reduce military spending.
Keep shouting it from the roof tops.
Keep your hands off of our social safety nets and support the long-term unemployed with jobs, jobs, and more jobs.
Donors, not voters, are more important to both parties. Maybe there is more big money to be made pushing tax cuts for the wealthy and maintaining the cash cow which is the Military Industrial Complex?
Here's another source for deficits. Notice that Surpluses happened when there was a Democratic President and/or Senate and House control by Democrats, except in years where Deficits were inherited by prior GOP control.