In his new interview given to The Hill, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs didn't have some kind words for Liberal Critics of the admnistration that he serves. Robert Gibbs better be prepared, because those " Liberal Naysayers" won't wait long before striking back ! Soon Gibbsy will be compared to Evil Rahm and will be called Obama's Rasputin ! lol
The war is already on Twitter btw both sides !
Look like Robert Gibbs and The White House are in Attack Mode so far. Their target : Liberal NaySayers as put it the article.
In fact, Robert Gibbs told The Hill's Sam Youngman that "liberal naysayers" (Youngman's words) would never "regard anything the president did as good enough". He blasts those who compare the President with Former President George W Bush :
"I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested,(...).I mean, it’s crazy."
Gibbs went on to say that the "professional left" rethoric was very similar to those used by their opponents on the ideological right. In other words, he compared them to teabaggers :
"They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality.(...)They wouldn’t be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president."
He also attacks the "radical left" for their complaints about Obama caving to Centrists during the Health Care Reform Debate.
I guess Gibbs and the rest of the White House aren't pleased by Rachel Maddow calling WH Senior Advisor David Axelrod "human pretzel" when he had explained that Obama opposes same-sex marriage but favors equal benefits for partners in gay relationships.
According to Sam Youngman, Robert Gibbs was pretty annoyed by the left complaining about everything that the Administration has done. He reminded that The President added diversity to the Supreme Court by nominating two female justices, including the court’s first Hispanic and yet "liberals ave criticized his nominees for not being liberal enough".
But Robert Gibbs praised other liberals and progressives "outside of Washington". According to him, progressives are the liberals outside of Washington "in America," and "they are grateful for what Obama has accomplished in a shattered economy with uniform Republican opposition and a short amount of time."
Glenn Greenwald replied via his twitter page :
#Credit to Gibbs for putting his name on that - that's the stuff they usually say anonymously and then deny afterwards it's what they think 9 minutes ago via web
#Gibbs: (1) the Professional Left doesn't represent Real Americans and is irrelevant; (2) they're ruining everything for us!!! 2 minutes ago via web
# If the "Professional Left" represents nobody - and Real Progressives in Real America are grateful to the WH - why bother with the criticism? 8 minutes ago via web
#If Robert Gibbs' goal were to sound like a petulant, self-pitying adolescent, how could he have done better?
9 minutes ago via web
Lizz Winstead isn't happy either, via her twitter page:
Gibbs analogy is akin to a marriage councelor saying,"He's a good father, so what if he's a bad husband, shut up & celebrate his parenting.
4 minutes ago via TweetDeck
Hey Robert Gibbs: Know what happens when you drive in the middle of the road? You cause accidents. #ProfessionalLeft
10 minutes ago via TweetDeck
Is the "Professional Left" hiring? #Cause MostOfUsAreTheProfessionalLeftBehind
18 minutes ago via TweetDeck
Ezra Klein while understanding the WH's frustration thinks the interview was a mistake :
"I understand why the WH is frustrated by liberal dissatisfaction, but not why they complain about it in interviews:
Here my 2 cents, in fairness to Robert Gibbs, he made a clear distinction between the "professional left" and the progressive grassroot movement that he refered as part of "America". I believe he was trying to call out the pundits from the left not the BASE.