This is painful to even think about, as those of you are familiar with my writing will understand. I still believe Dean would have been a great president, along the lines of another TR. However, some things I heard yesterday got me thinking Kerry might be the right guy for this present time.
On PBS folks were discussing the job#'s, rising oil prices, slowing economic growth, and terrorism. For once they anaylized the ties and interactions between all these issues. They speculated that higher oil prices may be dampening hiring as well as consumer spending for instance. Of course, the one common element that runs through all our current problems is oil. What was not mentioned as usual, was the fact that our oil addiction is killing the earth. But, the pundits noted that one of Kerry's best applause lines is the one calling for independence from the Saudi royal family. And then they noted that Kerry devotes alot of time to the issues of energy independence.
Dean is a Doctor from a family of tightwad bankers and financiers. His signature issues are fiscal and physical health, and he promised to do for the nation what he did for Vermont - get everyone covered while balancing the books. While he also did alot for the environment, most of his efforts went into his top priorities.
From what I understand, the environment is a top priority for Kerry. He even met his current wife at an environmental conference. Kerry appears willing and eager to connect the dots between our current problems and our reliance on oil at
pecisely the moment when the negative consequences of our addiction are becoming clearer. Getting off mideast oil is the most intelligent way to fight terrorism that there is. As long as we have tremendous stratigic interests in the region it is beyond niave to think we will ever stop meddling in thier politics.
So, with this guy at the helm we might have a chance to turn this thing around before we completely foul the nest.
On another note (I didn't want to waste a diary on it), I still cannot view diaries after they have fallen off the front page. When I click on the link at the bottom of the diaries I come up empty. I hope this does not hijack this thread, but, is anyone else having this problem?