Hi, I'm Lucas O'Connor, webmaster for the Boxer campaign, and this is a huge day for us.
Tonight, Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina are meeting for a debate in the Bay Area. And, today we're kicking off our "100,000 Strong for Boxer" money bomb!
Our ambitious goal is to raise 10,000 individual donations from Boxer supporters all across the country before midnight – and in the process, break through an incredible mark of 100,000 total grassroots donors to Barbara’s campaign to-date. It would be such a powerful statement about Barbara's grassroots support.
You can join the money bomb right now, right here:
Right now, Senator Boxer is up in Northern California preparing for tonight's debate with her right-wing opponent Carly Fiorina. But in the meantime, she wanted me to keep you all updated on our progress throughout the day as we close in on these two incredible goals.
Already, Barbara's supporters and the DailyKos community have stepped up in a huge way -- more than 7,000 pledges already towards our 10,000 donation goal today!
But Carly Fiorina has already poured millions of dollars from her deep pockets into this race, and we know she's going to spend millions more. Fiorina wants to take us in the wrong direction on jobs, on health care, on climate change, even on a woman's right to choose. She's simply out of touch with California.
This is our chance to stand up and show Carly Fiorina that "100,000 Strong for Boxer" is more powerful than her big checkbook! But we need your help today to make that statement.
So please head over to www.barbaraboxer.com/moneybomb right now -- or give on ActBlue at http://www.actblue.com/... and join today's Boxer money bomb. Since we're counting the number of donations, and not dollars, even a contribution of $5 would mean a whole lot.
After you've made your contribution, I hope you'll share about it in the comments below. I know all your support means a lot to the Senator -- especially as she prepares to take the stage at tonight's debate.
So thanks so much again for your support. I'll be updating this diary throughout the day to keep you posted on our progress. Let's make the most of today's Boxer money bomb!
-- Lucas
P.S. For those of you interested in watching the debate between Senator Boxer and Carly Fiorina tonight, you'll be able to watch live at 7pm PT / 10pm ET. Just stop by http://www.ktvu.com/ to watch live online, or tune in to C-SPAN to catch it on TV.
[11:00am Update] We just zoomed past 8,000 donors towards our goal of 10,000. It's great, but still a long way to go. Big thanks to Democracy for America and Senator Claire McCaskill who have both helped support us today!
[11:40am Update] Another big round of thanks to Senators Maria Cantwell, Charles Schumer, and Sheldon Whitehouse for pitching in! We're closing in on 8,500 donors already!
[12:20pm Update] We're about to break through 8,800 donations for the day -- with just 1,200 to go to reach our big 10,000 donation goal! Everybody here in the campaign office is ecstatic. Thanks to Senators Tim Johnson and Jeanne Shaheen for reaching out to their supporters and encouraging them to participate. And thanks to all of you for your generous help too!
[1:05pm Update] You folks are amazing! We're just hitting 9,100 donations toward our goal of 10,000. And just a note that the campaign will be hosting a post-debate conference call with our Political Director and campaign Pollster. All of our money bomb donors will get the information to get on the call.
[2:00pm Update] Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Chris Kelly, and the Bay Area Democrats have all stepped up with appeals on our behalf. We have less than 600 to go to hit our goal!
[2:40pm Update] This is the home stretch- less than 300 to go! And if you hadn't heard, Senator Boxer will be personally calling our 100,000th overall donor- which we'll hit during the money bomb. If you haven't yet, get involved now!
[3:10pm Update] We did it! Thank you all so much and congratulations! Let's keep up the momentum while we've got it going. Carly Fiorina will keep coming with her checkbook, so we can't afford to let up.
[4:20pm Update] It's official- having smashed through our 10,000 donation goal, we've raised it to 12,000. Less than three hours until debate time- can we get there tonight?
[6:00pm Update] With one hour to go until the debate, we're closing in on 11,000! Don't forget to watch the debate, either on your local affiliate, on C-SPAN, or streaming at http://www.ktvu.com/. And help us bring it home by midnight!