DON'T JUST MOVE ON HERE. Listen to the words, or speed read them below.
This video clearly depicts the 6 Leg Platform for the Tea/Republican Party. It is the Transformation of Society Sarah Palin and her ilk dream for.
And its hateful, not Christian in any way, shape, or form.
A Christian Dominionist Theocratic Government. Their goals are CLEARLY stated and should ALARM all who love democracy and all people.
And trust me, Alaska's Palin Pick, Miller is one of these followers. It's just God's Will that he won. More on that downstream.
Unlike the Biblical command to "Save Souls" by testifying and living lives of Christian example, the Dominionists want to do a complete societal take over.
In Rev. Muthee's own words in the video above and just before he casts witches out of Sarah Palin, he clearly outlines the six legged platform of the Tea/Rebublicans.
Take this viral, in case people have forgotten.
#1. Spiritual: Praying and worshiping isn't enough. We have to do something. (diarist aside: and the end justifies the means and the meanness)
#2. Economic Area: "The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. (diarist aside: All 'others' money belongs to the 'righteous'. They will take your wealth)
#3. Politics: We should pray for and vote. We need the Brethren inside government. (diarist aside: and all the laws will be changed if they ever have the majority/presidency again)
Who will change the laws of the land? If the believers had not done something, your President (Bush) would not be in office today. (diarist aside: Remember the faithful storming and disrupting the Florida recount? btw, has it all be removed from the internet?)
#4. Education: We need believers who are educationists.
In Africa, the schools are open to preaching. You go to any school and you have the Christian Union which are a bunch of kids that are born again, tongue talking, devil casting all over the country. We need God taking over our educational system.
If we do that, we will not have children being taught how to worship Buddha, how to worship Mohammed, we will not have in our curriculum witch craft and sorcery.
#5. Media: We need believers and we need God taking over the media. (cringing)
#6. Government: We need believers there, men and women of integrity. People who are born again, who are believers in God.
Leaders like Muthee and The Family's leader, Doug Coe, feed off of the selfish aspirations of those who want power and wealth and on the religiously leaning leaders who are easily hoodwinked to do their bidding In The Name of God.
All function under the guise of Doing God's Will. Personally, I respect those who know they seek money/power more than those who pretend to be Doing God's Will.
Coe has been training and raising his Dominionist Demagogues for decades. Bart Stupak is one of Coe's. Bye, Bart. And I will bet the farm that Christine O'Donnell spend time living within one of Coe's 'campuses' of indoctrination. (Read The Family, by Jeff Sharlett)
Good grief! Coe is the father of the National Prayer Breakfast. Blatant enough for anyone reading this?
What these people aspire to has nothing to do with true faith that teaches brotherly love and charity.
On the contrary, these dangerous, theocratic, nationalists who gin up talk of guns and takeovers, are demagogues in every sense of the word.
There is enough history known that clearly demonstrates a hateful attitude towards their opponents and a disdain, if not outright hate, towards all they consider the "others". And, as we have witnessed over the past couple of years, that list of "others" keeps growing.
This is everything Sinclair Lewis tried to warn us about in his not-so-well-written, but amazingly prescient book: It Can't Happen Here, a must read, btw.
Once in power, however, he becomes a dictator; he outlaws dissent, puts his political enemies in concentration camps, takes control of the media, changes education curriculum, and creates a paramilitary force called the Minute Men who terrorize the citizens.
One of his first actions as President is to make changes to the Constitution which give him sole power over the country, rendering Congress obsolete.
This is met by protest from the congress as well as outraged citizens, but Windrip declares a state of martial law and, with the help of his Minute Men, throws the protesters in jail.
As Windrip dismantles democracy, most Americans either support him and his Corpo Regime wholeheartedly or reassure themselves that fascism "can't happen" in America (hence the book's title).
The Tea/Republicans are looking for their Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip demagogue to run in 2012. Who will he/she be? Smoothe talking DeMint? Folksy Huckabee? Mature Mitt?
I will make a prediction. Why not? We haven't heard of the GOP 2012 Presidental Candidate yet. It will be someone being groomed. But, all the above will hit the road selling this charismatic character.
And, if Lewis' version of fascism isn't frightening enough, add the cloak of witch hunting, devil casting faux Christians at the helm of the United States Government.
This has been in the plans since the early 1920's.
This is the Armageddon battle between two visions of societal organization:
Democracy vs Theocratic Fascism
Goodness/Kindness vs Hateful Cruelty
Light vs Darkness
All that we love vs All that hates us
And if you think things won't be THAT bad if the Tea/Republicans take over the levers of power again?
Visit reality. This is what happens to people when democracy is weakened by churches:
Violence has been used against children and the elderly deemed witches in Africa:

EKET — The nine-year-old boy lay on a bloodstained hospital sheet crawling with ants, staring blindly at the wall.
His family pastor had accused him of being a witch, and his father then tried to force acid down his throat as an exorcism. It spilled as he struggled, burning away his face and eyes. The emaciated boy barely had strength left to whisper the name of the church that had denounced him — Mount Zion Lighthouse.
A month later, he died.
Nwanaokwo Edet was one of an increasing number of children in Africa accused of witchcraft by pastors and then tortured or killed, often by family members. Pastors were involved in half of 200 cases of "witch children" reviewed by the AP, and 13 churches were named in the case files.
There is a Mount Zion Lighthouse church is in California, btw. Former, now defunct affiliation. But definitely a connection with the 'religious' of the west.
If you want to send the Nigerian church a note, here's their website:
Enough said.
Sarah Palin's beloved Reverend Muthee clearly states their 6 Legged Platform.
STOP THEM before this cancer spreads any further in this country.
And, if you missed, just to lighten up the mood. Here's Christine O'Donnell's "I dabbled in witch craft" interview with Bill Mayer.
Good grief! She's as cute as a bug's foot.
This is the new Republican: Good Looking, Charismatic, Perky, Can Lie while smiling, deeply devoted to the 6 Legged Platform, Immovable, Woman.
And the audacity of the voting machines' company name: DIE BOLD !