I've been here on Daily Kos for a little over two years now. I've done all the requisite things like going to Netroots Nation and NN fundraisers. I've staked out positions. Etc. Etc. Etc.
But there are still some things that make me want to claw my fucking eyeballs out of my skull and consider finding a less frustrating hobby like canvassing for Mike Gravel. I have taken mini-breaks from here, but every few days it's the same fucking thing. Another meta fight sitting on the rec list while worthy and informative pieces go barely noticed.
Two notes: This is not a STFU diary and yes, I am guilty of getting into meta fights, too.
The first type of diary inspiring said eyeball abuse is the "Democrats have no chance this particular November because X said/did/wrote Y, therefore I'm not voting/not doing GOTV/not donating money/gazing wistfully at my navel."
In the same vein, there is also the rec list meta diary and the inevitable rec list reply with a bunch of lesser noticed diaries on the exact same subject. Think Robert Gibbs and the professional left.
The second is the dreaded "meta" tag (the "Welcome New Users" series excepted). You know the ones. "Obama should/should not hire/fire..." "This place was so much better when..." "This place is going to hell because..." "GBCW: You all suck because..." "Kos/Meteor Blades needs to do..." "My First Amendment Rights violated by..." "Some people here are gigantic poopie heads..." "Clap Louder/Don't Clap Louder..." "Delete my fucking account, Kos." "Obamabots vs. Firebaggers Volume MCXXII..."
Now in all fairness, I just checked the meta tag and there is some good recent stuff. But there is also some real garbage for a site dedicated to "electing more and better Democrats."
But have you seen the diaries that get 1,400 comments, about half of which are an argument directly under the fucking tip jar? Fine. We get it. You dis-fucking-gree with the diarist. Why do I need to scroll past that nonsense just to see the second comment? It's not like this is a random occurrence. It happens every single time.
So does your opus magnum qualify? Ask yourself these questions:
- Is there, in fact, an argument under the tip jar -- especially one that goes to the margins so you don't know who is arguing with whom?
- Did you include the phrase, "I'm a life-long Democrat, but..."
- Did you mention David Sirota, Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald or Meteor Blades?
- Would Bob Johnson come along and say, "this helps?"
- Is the snark tag purely ironic?
So here's my proposal. Kos should charge each Kossack $1 for every comment in these unproductive diaries, $50 for posting the damned thing in the first place, and $100 if it makes the rec list. That money gets split between disaster relief and Orange to Blue candidates. There is a diary that's finally sliding down the wreck list with more than 1450 comments. Meanwhile, the Help Pakistan group struggles daily to make the bottom of the list for a couple of hours.
Under my proposal, that diary could have funded two Shelter Boxes or a couple of points in television ads. Depending on your cause, that's the difference between life and death for a family or win or lose for a candidate.
Edit: After a couple of suggestions, I would substitute door knocking, phone banking, or volunteering in lieu of money.
The point is that we get into these arguments while ignoring what is important: electing more and better Democrats and helping the less fortunate.
Where did this idea come from?
Years ago, when I was a reporter, I covered a local Rotary Club. They had a rule. Any time a member's name or picture ended up in the paper, that member owed a "fine" of 50 cents that went to a Rotary charity. Now I watched some of their charity collections and 50 cents was the least of anyone's concerns. It was just good fun.
Still it was amazing to watch these (admittedly well-off) folks nonchalantly pull out a couple of $20s for Rotary's causes. Considering all of the amazing fund-raising campaigns I've seen here, signing up was like joining a Rotary Club for Democrats. We have passionate advocates, well informed teachers and extremely generous souls -- sometimes all in one person.
If it wasn't for all of the meta-whining and pointless in-fighting and predictions of electoral doom. Sheesh. You all make Meta Jesus cry.
So I declare: Tax My Fucking Meta Comments Kos!
Addendum: If this piece of shit diary somehow makes the wreck list, my unemployed ass will dig deep for another contribution.
Act Blue
Shelter Box
Daily Kos Help Pakistan diaries