This is how change and progress looks like.
It's been 20 months and the magician Velma Hart voted for still didn't fix her dilemma: Buying a new car or keeping her kids in a private school. But at least she got her 15 minutes, going from network to network, explaining her tremendous disappointment by president Obama's non-whimsical answer.
I'll give it to CNBC and the rest of the corporate media - This was a good one: Let's take a middle class and pretty well off black lady, and make her the face of disappointed Obama voters. Not someone who's really in bad shape, not someone who's unemployed, not someone who lost their home, and of course she must be black - And she is exhausted because he didn't snap his finger and reversed a decade of destruction, and then he didn't give her the entertaining answer she was looking for.
I try not to doubt Miss Hart anxiety - over not being able to buy a new car while living in a two income household and putting two kids through private school - but she's been shamelessly and cynically manipulated here, and gave the media exactly what they were looking for. Rupert Murdoch probably could not believe his lucky stars: A chance to spread the face of a black woman with the huge headline "BETRAYED" on the cover of the New York Post. One morning Miss Hart will wake up and realize the degree in which she was played here. Or maybe she already begins to get it:
Hart is on the cover of Tuesday's New York Post with the headline "Betrayed." The article described Hart is a "plucky Obama supporter."
Hart said the Post headline is a false depiction of how she feels about Obama’s presidency. She added that she would vote for Obama again.
"I knew I was there [on the front page], but I didn’t realize I was there with that horrible word," she added. "I have not felt betrayed."
Too late now. A black lady bashing the black president because she can't buy a new car, is a lot of fun for the media, the pundits and all those who really "love" this president across the spectrum.
A young white lady whose life might be saved because of something this detached-cold-deceiving president has done? Not so much fun, therefore you won't see it on CNBC or CNN or the "Liberal" MSNBC.
Well, you'll see it here. Here is Gail O'Brian:
The above clip is from From 50 States, 50 Stories the new WH health care website, launched for the six months anniversary of the HC bill and designed to educate voters on the law and the big changes in health care starting TOMORROW:
For plan years beginning on or after Thursday:
• Parents will be able to keep their young adult children on their group health plan up to age 26, regardless of whether the adult child lives with the parent, is a full-time student, disabled or married.
• Insurance companies will be banned from dropping coverage when an enrollee gets sick.
• All new plans must offer free preventive services, such as mammograms, colonoscopies and certain child preventive health-care services, meaning plans can't charge deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance.
• All employer plans and new plans in the individual market will be prohibited from denying coverage to children under age 19 with pre-existing conditions.
• Parents will be able to select a pediatrician as the primary care provider for their children.
• Female enrollees will be able to obtain obstetrical/gynecological specialist services without a referral from another primary care provider.
• Group plans will be banned from imposing lifetime benefit limits and will start gradually eliminating annual benefit limits.
• New plans must provide consumers access to an internal and external claims appeals process.
For plans operating on the calendar year, the new rules take effect Jan. 1, 2011.
And here's Gail when she met the president earlier today, during a backyard discussion on health care reform at a private residence in Fall Church, Virginia.

All pictures by AP:
More from the Backyard discussion on health care reform in Fall Church, Virginia:
President Barack Obama presenting the Medal of Honor posthumously to Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. Etchberger' sons, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Etchberger received the honor for his heroic actions in combat in Laos on March 11, 1968, after deliberately exposing himself to enemy fire in order to put his wounded comrades in rescue slings permitting them to be airlifted to safety.
President Obama makes an unannounced visit to the Reading Terminal Market September 20, 2010 in Philadelphia.
President Obama campaigning for Joe Sestak at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.