The E-mail invitation from OFA for President Obama's rally on the University of Wisconsin Campus next Tuesday says
Use of public transportation is encouraged. For security reasons, please avoid bringing bags to the rally if at all possible -- you should expect airport-like security. No signs or banners are permitted.
The event will be held in a "traditional public forum,' encompassing the University's Library Mall and the City's State Street Mall.
I intend, despite the language on the invite, to bring a 2 foot by 3 foot foamcore, emblazoned with "Hemp is Jobs."
(The sign ban can also be found on the Facebook Event Page)
As of my last contact with the Secret Service, their policy forbids poles for signs, but not signs as such.
Within the next few hours, My Attorney and I will be contacting the City and University Police Departments, as well as their respective legal departments, hoping to negotiate an accommodation of my 1st Amendment rights, within line of sight. Otherwise, we're headed to Court seeking a Temporary Restraining Order on Monday.
UPDATE: Just off the phone with Secret Service Madison Field Office, confirms that the "No signs' rule comes from the Democratic Party, not Secret Service policy.
UPDATE 2 Volunteer at the State Party office tells me she's been told the rule comes from the Secret Service. promises me a callback. Meanwhile, the University has a press release repeating the no signs rule. Calls to the City and University Police Chiefs, and emails from my Attorney to their respective legal departments, have not yet been returned
UPDATE 3 heard back from University Police, they're also sending back to the Secret Service, but at least provided the name and number of the Secret Service Agent who's 'running the whole show." Voicemail left.