Gingrich announced (again) that he's running on
So it's official. Newt Gingrich has
announced he's running for President.
The thing is, and I admit, maybe this is just me, but the only question I really want to know the answer to is whether he's sporting a spray-on tan or if he got it in a tanning salon? I mean, check out those eyelids. And if I'm not mistaken, the left side of his neck (his left) doesn't seem nearly as orange as the rest of his face.
Maybe he needs to have a sitdown with John Boehner. Or maybe it's the lighting. The only thing I can be sure if is that this is the most serious question to be asked about Newton F. Gingrich.
Update: Yes, the polling shows President Obama would nuke Newt—52%-38% in the latest PPP survey.