Pat "Brown People Scare Me" Buchanan
kills Cenk's show for being too strident and anti-establishment, dumps Keith's show for being too successful (or something), blacklists me for being too mean to Joe Scarborough on Twitter, but Pat Buchanan? He's untouchable.
He can show his bigotry toward Latinos:
Mexico is the greatest foreign policy crisis I think America faces in the next 20, 30 years. Who is going to care, Andrea, 30 years from now whether a Sunni or a Shia is in Baghdad or who’s ruling in Kabul?
We’re going to have 135 million Hispanics in the United States by 2050, heavily concentrated in the southwest. The question is whether we’re going to survive as a country.
He can fluff Hitler.
[W]hen Paris fell, did Hitler not demand the French fleet, as the Allies demanded and got the Kaiser’s fleet? Why did he not demand bases in French-controlled Syria to attack Suez? Why did he beg Benito Mussolini not to attack Greece?
Because Hitler wanted to end the war in 1940, almost two years before the trains began to roll to the camps.
And did you know that the Holocaust wasn't Hitler's fault, but Churchill's? Because, Buchanan claims, Hitler isn't just a man of peace, but "an individual of great courage."
So it should come as no surprise that Buchanan has embraced the ideology of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.
None of this is to deny the presence of violent actors or neo-Nazis on the European right who bear watching. But, awful as this atrocity was, native-born and homegrown terrorism is not the macro-threat to the continent.
That threat comes from a burgeoning Muslim presence in a Europe that has never known mass immigration, its failure to assimilate, its growing alienation, and its sometime sympathy for Islamic militants and terrorists.
Europe faces today an authentic and historic crisis [...]
As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.
In other words, "Breivik made a great point!"
This stuff has a home on the fever swamps of the right. Remember, this is an ideology that despises multiculturalism, thinks torture is okay, and "empathy" is a dirty word. And if you don't like it, well, they have lots of guns. So much so, that the country literally ran out of ammunition to sell after Obama was elected in 2008.
Yet rather than be shunned from polite circles, he's been given a permanent cot in the MSNBC green room. Apparently, MSNBC President Phil Griffin loves having a white supremacist around the office.