I'm sitting in the Sirius XM studios here in Washington DC and David Waldman and I are getting excited. Today is the launch of Daily Kos Radio on Sirius XM Channel 127 The show runs from 10 am - 1:00 pm EST Saturdays from August 13- September 3 .
In our maiden voyage our guests will be - Markos Moulitsas, he'll discuss the launch of Daily Kos Radio and of course, all things politics.
Jed Lewison and Joan McCarter will join David and I to discuss the Super Catfood Debt Reduction Congressional Commission.
David Reid a/k/a dopper, founder of Black Kos, will join us around noon to discuss, color and Daily Kos and color and politics. Should be a good discussion.
And of course we'll be taking calls throughout the show.
Join us. It will be fun, exciting and if when we screw up, you can point and laugh.
Remember, you can get a free 30 day trial for online access to all of Sirius XM's great programming, including Daily Kos Radio.