It has been around a month or so since half-term Alaska Governor and possible 2012 presidential frontrunner Sarah Palin warned of the craziest left-wing crusade this side of the "War on Christmas."
You might recall that on her little-watched cable reality show, she made S'mores, explaining that the gooey dessert was being made "in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert."
The idiocy in that one was so thick, that even key players in the GOP clearly want no part of it:
In an odd turn of events, some conservatives have taken to defending Michelle Obama's anti-obesity initiative from the salvos of Palin, and suggesting that she has gone too far by seeming to mock the first lady in a recent broadcast of "Sarah's Palin's Alaska."
Now, there are ulterior motives here that have to be discussed. Two of the critiques of Palin's odd homage to obesity came from men who will likely be rivals of hers for the 2012 Republican nomination: former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour.
However, both men have motives other than tweaking their potential campaign foe. Huckabee, for his part, had his own high-profile battle with obesity several years ago. Barbour is the Governor of the most obese state in the Union, and he offered praise for Mrs. Obama during her tour of the state last Spring.
Even the Obama-hating Wall Street Journal editorial page chimed in on the matter, dinging Palin as having lost her sense of proportion (while also, predictably, clipping President Obama in the knees at the same time).
From the outset, Palin has well earned a reputation for being a first-tier political cheap shot artist. This particular shot, however, might cause her considerable heartburn. By mocking attempts to limit child obesity in the name of some nebulous form of "freedom", Palin might have actually found the outer limits of the selfishness of her constituency.