I am surprised that some on the left want to pick the gun control fight.
Obviously the tragedy in AZ can happen because insane people whipped up by right wing ranters on radio and TV (yes I believe this even though there's no "proof" he was a Limbaugh fan or Palinite) is able to get his hands on a hand gun with stupidly oversized magazines.
But using this to pivot to a gun control fight will undermine any benefits that could come of it.
EDIT: Can I also propose a DailyKos equivalent of Godwin's law?
"in any debate of sufficient length on DailyKos someone will accuse their opponent's position of retaining slavery if given the chance, should we choose to accept that position"
Here's a few random thoughts of mine on that:
- the narrative shifts from where is should be - the atmosphere of hate whipped up by the right wing that needs concerted pressure to eliminate
If we move to a gun control fight we allow this moment to slip away, when we could have pushed the media to force the right wing to take responsibilty for their words and actions... this isn't just going to happen and the right would prefer to dodge this and deflect to a different fight. Every time we get one of these slaughters the country shifts away from the real problem - the culture of violence in this country - and focuses on the secondary issue of how people carry these out.
- the right will shamelessly use Giffords herself as a totem in this - and i don't want to see that
Giffords is on the record for gun rights. If we start a gun control debate the right will argue we're exploiting this tragedy to push a political agenda against the expressed beliefs of the target, at a time when Giffords cannot exactly stand up and make her own case.
- the atmosphere of hate and violence would get whipped up in an instant - once Democrats are pegged back into the caricature of "they want to take away our guns"
The debate would bring out a huge contingent of pro-gun extremists, and the media has shown time and again how craven they are to the right wing and to the mob. Thinking that the media will stay consistent on "our" side on this instead of flipping to the Republican narrative as it solidifies is insane. We'll end up on the shitty end of the stick on this.
- it will allow Arizona to avoid its responsibility to handle it's own gun laws
The truth is the laws in Arizona are insanely loose with guns. I am no prohibitionist but I'm no second amendment absolutist either. Arizona needs to do some introspection and fix its own laws. If its politicians can grandstand against Washington on this they avoid the tough questions at home.
- we'll lose
There could be ten of these in a month and we'd never get gun control laws passed in Congress. The Republicans control the house. No gun control bill will EVER pass. But they'll love the debate as they can get back on the offensive and get wedge issues back in swing districts.
It's a pointless fight we won't win. I don't say it's pointless because gun control isn't sensible. I'd prefer that we had more. Not as much as many on the "left" as i don't really see this as a left/right issue. I agree with some of the libertarian arguments about being overly restrictive on gun ownership. But I think Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine poses interesting questions in this regard: how in other countries with high gun ownership do they avoid these spree killings in the number we have them? Our problem is a sick culture. It IS a problem of an atmosphere of vitriol and hate in the political landscape. It IS a culture of violence on TV and in video games where we accept grotesque movies like "the human centiped" or "the serbian film" in some faux free speech absolutims (yet then accept "free speech zones" that restrict our freedoms when it counts).
Does Arizona need better control of who's getting guns, sure. Do we need a pointless grandstanding Washington DC fight over this that we'll lose, that will negate any possible gains in civility from this, and that will peg Democrats back on the defensive? No.
Now, if Giffords recovers, gets back in congress and authors a bill restricting gun access, out of respect for her I'll advocate for it and support its passage. I just think it is a mistake for Dems to be on TV trying to shift the debate to this at this time.
Oh, and a plug... can I just say I LOVED this diary in the front page right now: http://www.dailykos.com/...
If you haven't read it yet, go read it.
One thing I'd add, perhaps cynically, is that watching MSNBC at the moment they're talking Gun Control - and I'd put it to you that this is a sign I am right. The cable new channels like partisan fights more than introspection and accepting their own role in the combative violent political climate. If they're harping on about having a Gun Control debate you can guarantee they see some nice left-right fights on the issue long term, and good ratings in it.
And let's remember in all this the real victim - Sarah Palin.