Mitt Romney yesterday in Ohio, hedging on the two unpopular statewide ballot initiatives being pushed by conservatives:
I'm not speaking about the particular ballot issues, those are up to the people of Ohio ... I'm not terribly familiar with the two ballot initiatives.
And Mitt Romney today, flip-flopping after intense criticism from the right (in part because his previous endorsement), offering "110%" of his support:
So yesterday he didn't know what the initiatives were and thought it should be up to the people of Ohio. Today he is 110% in support. And he wonders why nobody can trust anything he says.
9:06 AM PT: Here's a link to Romney's June endorsement. So in June he endorsed, yesterday he refused to take a position because he said he was unfamiliar with the issue, and today he says he's 110% behind it. Oy. It's dizzying, isn't it?