From Protesters stage march to Obama's Des Moines office
Nearly 100 people marched Saturday to President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign headquarters in downtown Des Moines.
One by one, members of Occupy Iowa denounced the president for what they called his failure to protect the vast majority of Americans from home foreclosures, rising health care costs and student loan debt.
Others faulted Obama for deporting more than 1 million immigrants, and extending the nation’s military presence to countries such as Somalia and Yemen.
I'd like to see Occupy Wall Street denounce both the Democratic and Republican parties for overwhelmingly supporting the roll back of Glass Steagall*; and furthermore, additionally denouncing them for NOT APOLOGIZING to the American public for playing fast and loose with their economic security, by so doing.
*The final vote was near unanimous.
11:19 AM PT: This was, in fact, diaried earlier at DK: OWS Denounces Obama in Des Moines, as has been pointed out by some commentators.