I am getting damned tired of us sitting on the sidelines and bitching about the lunatic Republican "policies" that will cripple our Democracy, if enacted. They want all of the government's political energy to be devoted to eliminating any, and all, regulations and policies that may in any way curb the unfettered greed of the corporatist community that runs our government. They will cheerfully impoverish millions of citizens to protect the US credit rating, so business will not have to fork over any of their capital, extracted from the US taxpayer, to offset the debt incurred on their behalf. They answer only to the Jamie Dimonof this world, and never to the people of America.
Watching the people of Egypt, rise up and reclaim their lives from the regime that stole approximately 50% of every dollar that changed hands in their country (heard on CNN, 2/10/11 - that's where that 70 billion Mubarak has stashed away came from); seeing the power of people to effect real change, I am proposing that we, the American citizens, wrest control from the billionaires in a simple way.
Just stop spending on anything but the basics of food that are needed to keep us alive and healthy.
I proposed something similar when the credit card mess began to explode and when the mortgage crash was eminent. That proposal was met with derision.
"People will loose their jobs!"
"Credit will dry up!"
"Small businesses will fail and communities will go broke!"
"How can you even suggest such a betrayal of everything America stand for?"
My post was even mentioned on the Larry Kudlow Show as an example of the evil, vicious, anti-American positions of all Liberals...
Note: I am not going back to dig out the link from 2.5 years ago. Too much trouble in the time allocated.
Well, everything that was hypothesized as bound to result from my "save your money, drastically cut your spending, hunker down and punish the bastards" proposal came to pass, while we sat by and wrung our hands and wept over the starving millions and dispossessed homeowners who got shafted in spite of the tax payer trillions spent to save the business community.
The billionaires who run this government will never pay attention until we stop pandering to their alternate reality. The are all Mubarak. So entrenched in a world of their own construction that they have no idea what destruction they are spreading. So out of touch with the people of this country that they really believe that they can continue to sell us useless stuff, and gouge us out of financial security, while we stand by and applaud "capitalism". Capitalism is their vehicle, not ours.
The Republicans want no control over insurance companies. They want no control over banks. They want no control over environmental protections, food safety, product liability, or any of the processes installed by an enlightened government to protect and assist her citizens. They serve only at the feet of the demi-Gods who line their pockets and place them in positions of power, while royally shafting the rest of us in the name of "freedom". It is past time to reject this model of governance.
Unfortunately a lot of our less enlightened citizens seem unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. They allow themselves to be influenced by corporate media, driven by fear, and robbed by charlatans, while proclaiming their alliance to American ideals that have disappeared within the past 30 years. They seem, always, to be trying to deal with what is, as defined by the corporations, rather than imagining what might be if they were free of corporate influence. They will accept any lie, and any liar, who promises them shelter from their stupidity.
So, let us reclaim a life free of the domination of Big Business. Free of Organized Religion. Free of the Advertising Industry. Free of the Propagandists. Free of the smothering demands that we spend and consume to support a system that cares not one whit if we live or die as individuals - only if their "2nd quarter profits exceed expectations".
Buy food to live. Then refuse to spend one single dime to support a system that is robbing us of dignity, and a future.
Take back America from the new world order that G.H.W. Bush promised 20 years ago, and which the millionaires have slaved to implement right under out noses. A world order that robs each and every country, and each and every citizen, of any shred of dignity. Any shred of accomplishment. Any shred of creativity. That forces each of us to slave for the Mass'a and enrich the least creative among us.
Nothing but food.