A few months ago, kos offered us the opportunity to receive action and information emails, and I duly signed up.
Except that now, I get these action emails twice: to the email I provided when I signed up to that service, and to the email I used to create my dKos account (I actually even get it 3 times, as I have a dormant account, Energize America, which was created back in 2006 when I worked on that community project, and is no longer in use).
So I wonder: what's the point of asking people to sign in to an email service if you're going to spam them anyway with the emails?
The privacy policy (which, btw, is copied twice on that page; that might be corrected) does distinguish between the two sorts of emails:
If you choose to provide your personal information by creating an account, purchasing a subscription, sending us an email, or filling out a contact form and submitting it through our website, you may receive emails from Kos Media, LLC related to Kos Media websites.
If you signed up for our email list you will receive email updates from Daily Kos.
So "emails from Kos Media, LLC" or "email updates from Daily Kos" - and yet I get the exact same thing each time, and, so far, it's been pretty much all action calls, the most recent being the call to support the Wisconsin efforts:
Jerome a Paris,
By now, you’ve probably heard about the amazing protests in Wisconsin. Public sector unions are making an historic stand against both the Tea Party and the billionaire Koch brothers who finance that "grassroots" movement.
Even though you don’t live in Wisconsin, there's a way you can help. The 14 Democratic state Senators who kept the fight alive are on Act Blue, and we’ve put their party committee on our Orange to Blue 2012 page.
Please, contribute $14 to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic committee, $1 for each of the heroic Senators.
While I can't myself contribute to such action calls (not being American), I'm happy to be informed of these and, if I can, to support them by spreading the information elsewhere. That's why I subscribed to the email list in the first place!
But why send these emails to the full dKos accounts list? This does not seem to be related in any way to Kos Media, LLC, and it's just annoying. It makes me want to delete these email on principle (especially as, when I created the account in the first place, the email told me "You will not get any further e-mail from us."). It negates the whole concept of the DailyKos email list - why bother subscribe if you're going to get the emails anyway?
So, kos, can you please only send the DailyKos emails to the email list (by subscription)? Please?