Corporate tax cuts have been popular in Right wing circles since the Reagan era. Billions of tax dollars have been diverted from America's corporations in the belief that the savings will immediately be reinvested in the economy, spinning off jobs and prosperity for all.
Sounds nice but where is the proof that corporate tax cuts create jobs and propsperity?
The American economy is limping along with high unemployment and lots of uncertainty. You would think that after years and years of corporate tax cuts, the economy would be booming. The ideological Right swears up and down that if you cut taxes to corporations and banks, prosperity is sure to result for the entire nation. Problem is that this little piece of ideology is a myth that is perpetrated on the American public to cover the Billions of corporate welfare dollars that the Right shovels into the coffers of the private sector.
The question that Progressives need to ask the Right is this .. where is the proof that corporate tax cuts work as you say they do? There is no proof. The American public has been duped into a massive scheme of corporate welfare that has nearly bankrupted the United States of America.
Enough is enough.