Associated Press/HuffPost had mention of Biden, Russia, and the WTO.
As you may or may not know, the WTO is the brain-trust of multinational corporate power. When the WTO is mentioned people should pay attention, because that's where the decisions are made which affect everything else.
Here are the quotes from the article which I zeroed in on:
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday gave Russia's president a strong commitment to helping his nation join the World Trade Organization, a sign his two-day trip is focused more on economic ties than pressing the Kremlin hard on touchy issues like human rights.
The two issues are related, the antithesis of each other. Corporate power is anti-human rights.
[Biden] told President Dmitry Medvedev that WTO accession was "the most important item on our agenda,"....
Multinational corporate power needs Russia as part of the WTO, it's one of the last pieces to the puzzle on turning the globe into a giant corporation, and in effect the end of a free world.
The Obama administration regards integrating Russia into the world economy as key to its development and stability, and that has moved concerns about Russian rule of law and democratic backsliding to a lower priority.
The Rule of Law is not some abstract idea that varies from country to country, but the idea that laws are to be obeyed. The WTO is and has been documented as subverting the rule of law of sovereign nations and the will of their peoples. So it's not that the Obama administration is talking apples and oranges--World Economy and Rule of Law--it's talking the subversion of the rule of law via the implementation of a WTO backed world economy.
Medvedev in turn thanked Biden for support of Russia's WTO bid, saying "I hope this process will be completed this year with the active support of the United States."
With Russia as part of the WTO, multinational corporate power will finally be able to buckle within the belt of its rule the entire globe. And then a short time after that, a free world will end in a whimper. Apparently T.S. Eliot was correct.
But what would prevent that? Of course a tipping-point majority of Americans calling for a convention.
If you disagree with Republicans and/or conservatives--do you really believe there is nothing that both the left and the right can agree on?
The Article V Convention is simply a three-part national discussion: electing delegates (what ideas will they run on?), the actual deliberative assembly (what will 2/3 of the delegates vote up or down?), and finally the ratification process (what proposals if any will garner the approval of 3/4 of the states?).
The WTO does not want America to have a national discussion. It's a game-changer.