When are they going to get a new playbook?
The party that brought you economy-crippling corruption and greed, useless bloodshed, and irrational hostility to equal rights, is now in full-on freakout mode over Muslims, convinced that there is some clandestine plot to turn Americans all Muslim-y.
And as usual, where there is a Fox News-led crusade, there is a GOP official eager to add fuel to the fire. In this case that would be the Jeb Bush-appointed judge is insisting that the case before him is deciding using Sharia Law.
Florida has joined the march towards Sharia,
Cue the Right-Wing Wurlitzer!
Desperate to believe the meme that terrorists are winning their battle to take over the American judicial system, wingnuts all over the blogosphere are beginning to note the judge's ruling in the Thirteenth Circuit Court as one of two (count them, TWO!) cases of Muslims trying to impose their religious code on others. It's an alarming trend that must be stopped through legislation, and the judge's ruling proves the Left knows nothing about how to protect America. Only there's two things that will probably get overlooked in this case:
1) One of the participants in the case, a mosque called the Islamic Education Center of Tampa wants due process under the Constitutional law.
"The mosque believes wholeheartedly in the Koran and its teachings," Thanasides said Monday. "They certainly follow Islamic law in connection with their spiritual endeavors. But with respect to secular endeavors, they believe Florida law should apply in Florida courts."
While it's the terrorist-sympathizing judge who insists that the mosque must
present the dispute to the greater community of brothers within the mosque or the Muslim community. And if that is not done, or does not result in a resolution of the dispute, then it is to be presented to an Islamic judge …
2) And the terrorist-sympathizing judge in this case is a Jeb Bush appointee named Richard Nielsen.
So while I fully expect to see this story get the James O'Keefe treatment, blasted out amidst Drudge sirens, Pam Geller shrieks and panicked lawmakers promising to protect the American way of life against the Islamic onslaught, sadly, the real story will probably end up buried under fear and lies.
The reality is that yet another case of a partisan Republican-appointed hack playing politics with our judicial system. It's a cynical decision born from the belief that African-Americans, women, the GLBT community and the poor all have to live under one set of rules, while corporations and the rich live under another. And it's just another example of how low Republican officials will go in order to perpetuate the Culture War that has kept them clinging to power.