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Okay, here are the facts:
• Last month, President Obama has proposed ending big oil subsidies.
• This week, Congressional Democrats voted to end big oil subsidies.
• And this week, House Republicans unanimously voted to protect big oil subsidies.
And in a web feature titled "It's All Your Money: Paying for Energy Subsidies," here's what Fox has to say about those facts:
Here's a look at some subsidies in President Obama's 2012 Fiscal Year budget:
• $126 million for wind
• $340 million for bio fuels
• $457 million for solar
• $452 million clean coal
• $800 million for nuclear
Oil and gas get even more of your money through tax incentives, deductions, depreciation and investment credits. Those total about $3.6 billion a year, according to the Administration.
So Fox caps off a list of energy subsidies proposed by President Obama with the mother of all subsidies: $3.6 billion to oil and gas companies.
The only problem? Obama's budget doesn't actually propose any such thing. In fact, his budget proposes eliminating those oil and gas subsidies. Meanwhile, just this week Republicans voted unanimously to protect them.
You'd think those would be relevant facts for a real news organization, certainly details that are worth pointing out. But Fox is a propaganda outlet, so disinformation reigns.