You read that right....welcome to another chapter in "Dems Discover Social Media Engagement"
Thursday starting at 12 noon EST, 10-15 Democratic Representatives will take to Twitter to answer yourquestions. This effort is being led by Rep. Mike Honda and Rep. John Garamendi & sponsored by the Democratic Caucus New Media Working Group. While I haven't been given the full list of those who will be participating I figure it's bound to be full of Dems eager to answer your questions.
Use the hashtag #askdems and ask away. Keep an eye on the hashtag and retweet the questions you want to see answers too. The more RTs a question gets, the more likely it is that it will get answered.
This is the first time this many Dems have gathered on one social platform specifically to answer our questions, but if this is successful I'm told this could be a regular event! So think of something good to ask, get your friends to RT you and away we go
I'll come back Thursday night to share some of the questions and answers, but it'll be more fun to participate yourself.