I couldn't help but notice the GOP twitterati whipping out their instant and expected responses to the storms that devastated the southern tier.
From Michele Bachmann to Sarah Palin to Newt Gingrich, GOPers were falling all over themselves offering their prayers for victims of the horrific weather events.
Yes, by all means, pray for these folks. But once you say your prayers, ask local GOP congressional reps if they still support Paul Ryan's budget that guts funding for FEMA, first responders, federal disaster recovery programs, and the National Weather Service.
We know we cannot count on local media to ask these questions. It will never happen. And the "gut-the-government," "cut-my-taxes" Tea Party crowd is too busy shouting "Socialism!" to acknowledge their own hypocrisy: Namely, that they and their GOP reps now desperately need the very programs they have been trying just as desperately to kill.
Hypocrisy is nothing new to this crowd, of course (see: Medicare, Social Security).
But these GOP reps need to be asked at their upcoming town halls if they still support GOP efforts to slash funding for FEMA, first responders, the NWS and disaster relief. And if they say they do, how they square their requests for federal aid to help rebuild devastated communities, all while continuing to support tax cuts for billionaires.
Where are your priorities, GOP congressional reps? We're too broke to afford funds for FEMA, first responders, disaster recovery and the National Weather Service, but we can afford to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to people who already have billions of dollars?
I would wager that most of the folks whose lives have been devastated by these storms don't have a prayer of putting their lives back together without the help of something a little more concrete than the grace of god.
Updated by Bob Johnson at Fri Apr 29, 2011 at 12:24 AM CDT
Just wanted to add this update, a comment from sewaneepat that makes it clear that regardless of one's political affiliation, people are people, and they need help:
I was in my "safe place" 5 times yesterday
This morning hubby and I cut and hauled away 3 big trees from our yard. Our phone is out and will be for a week. Our grid power is out - thank goodness we also have solar. I also spent yesterday worrying about my son and two brothers (only one of which is a Republican). And I spent the day yesterday with weatherdude and many other kossacks who were being impacted by the tornados. And I'm not trying to say "poor me"; I know how lucky I was.
I don't really give a shit whether the people who died or lost their homes are conservative assholes or good liberals. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. I'm a Democrat and I care about PEOPLE - even when I disagree with them about politics, religion, or whatever. I don't mind my tax money helping conservatives in the South who are hit by tornadoes anymore than helping California liberals who build houses which will slide down the denuded hills during rain storms.
I do agree wholeheartedly about raising hell with our representatives about their votes regarding their priorities. But it makes me sick to read that some base their willingness to help people who are hurting on their political position.
You can't scare me, I'm sticking to the Union - Woody Guthrie
by sewaneepat on Thu Apr 28, 2011 at 08:20:56 PM CDT