So what you do rather than taking on Roe v Wade which after all is the law of the land you make it so logistically and financially onerous as to effectively ban its ruling for many.
For your pains and to increase mental anguish you will be lectured at for hours on end by someone you do not know reading from a government script. I'm surprised they didn't include compulsory praying time in the nearest mega church where you will be exhibited on the stage.... sorry I mean altar for all to condemn.
Haven't they thought of putting us in the stocks in the public square to be abused by every passerby ? I suppose that must still be in the committee stage.
Has Texas has found another way to reduce access?
Edwin Graning, a Texas bus driver who refused to transport a passenger to a Planned Parenthood facility in Austin because he believed she was going to get an abortion.
Can I just point out that these two men are responsible for teaching the law to students at Liberty University's law school?
So their solution to Roe v Wade:
1] Its going to cost you time and money hopefully you cannot afford either.
2] You are going to be lectured at and humiliated by people you don't know.
3] Make abortion procedures so toxic that you have only one clinic and one part time doctor, thus putting women's lives at risk; because at some point women will turn to back street abortionists or do it yourself solutions.
Then I suppose you can apply a public transport rule that bans pregnant women getting off a bus within five blocks of the clinic; or just let the driver decide where you want to go....hmmm...let your government employee decide for totalitarian...
The party of small government is getting more authoritarian with each passing day.
The War On Women is going at full tilt.