I really can't. This time of year my focus is Netroots For The TroopsTM, but reading Avenging Angel's diary just pushed me too far. We try to keep NFTT apolitical, but rereading Boehner's remarks;
"The top one percent of wage earners in the United States...pay forty percent of the income taxes...The people he's {President Obama] is talking about taxing are the very people that we expect to reinvest in our economy."
deserves some push back. Because there's another 1% that's paying 100% of the price for the policies of this country.
The Serving 1% vs The Priviledged1%
A little while back I posted an NFTT diary based on an article in USA Today discussing morale among our military being at its lowest in five years. In that diary was a link to a quote by Gen. Peter Chiarelli, Army vice chief of staff where he,according to the report, said the following;
We're an Army that's in uncharted territory here. We have never fought for this long with an all-volunteer force that's 1% of the population.
So I want to ask Speaker Boehner;
What about the 1% of the population that serves in our military? What the hell are you doing for them? Besides asking more of them. They're not trash to be disposed of when you're through with them. Their people, they're human and they deserve our best efforts to take care of them during and after their service to this country.
We all know what you're doing about the economically privileged 1%. Your trying to make their comfortable life even more comfortable with more tax breaks and privileges. You want to comfort the comfortable, I don't.
I want to comfort the uncomfortable. Whether they be our veterans and their families or those who have been fucked over this passed decade by those economically privileged that you're so damned worried about. I want those economically privileged to feel some discomfort and I'm not talking about losing a few hundred thousand dollars because one of their buddies scammed them and the rest of the country. They got theirs back. But there are thousands out there still losing their homes and their jobs, because of the greed of that fucking 1% that you spend your time worrying about who created this damned mess.
And among those still paying that price are some of the Serving 1%. So not only are they suffering the cost of a ten year war, they having to deal as is the rest of the country with the greed of the economically privileged 1% and sycophants like you and the others in Congress who do their bidding.
Where are the Jobs Mr. Speaker? I'm not talking about some piece of shit legislation called a jobs bill but is nothing but a disguised tax break for your damned lord and masters the economically privileged 1%. Where are the fucking jobs that put Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public back to work.
Here's a little bit of basic economics Mr. Speaker. When people have jobs, they spend money buying things. Buying things creates demand, demand means more orders, more orders means hiring more people to fill those orders. You don't create jobs by providing more money to people who have money, only idiots and Republicans think that. Oh, that's right, you're both.
How about we worry about the serving 1% more than the economically privileged 1% for once.
If you want to see what the serving 1% have been experiencing the last ten years go read the diary by Military Tracy; On the Long Low Road Protecting a Nation