It's incredible some of the arguments I'm seeing here. They remind precisely of the right wing, warmongering propaganda preceding the Iraq war. Complete with sanctimonious condemnation of anyone who holds a dissenting view and a big dose of Rah Rah jingoism thrown in.
It's as though we've been invaded by the Fratboy Brigade. A bunch of real cowboys playing the self righteous / permanent victim card mixed with that mindless, testosterone induced mob phenomenon seen after some sporting events. It's a mix only a neoliberal could concoct.
"How dare you question my perverse, serial killer like bloodlust and right for vengeance ."
"How dare you challenge my right to use Dick Cheney's own talking points about why human rights don't apply for someone is so super duper scary as Osama bin Laden."
"How dare you question my stupidity as I hang my dick out and shoot my pistol in the air shouting USA USA USA as I celebrate the deliberate death of arguably the most valuable intelligence asset on the planet in terms of counter-terrorism."
That's right. Even if you can't pluck from your soul the decency to comprehend why some of us think murdering anyone, al Qaeda, Nazis, Charlie Manson, no matter how evil, is wrong, then perhaps you can muster the cognition of recognizing that in your War on Terra, you are celebrating the loss of probably the most important sourse of useful intelligence there is.
Morans. I don't know who these people are. There are only 50-100 of them as far as I can tell. But they are in every single diary, flaming away, trying every low tactic to bully people into submission. Which would be funny except it seems to be working.
I simply find it impossible to believe that there aren't at least a majority of people here who actually agree with Michael Moore that targeted assassinations without a right to trial is beneath us and un-American.
Who are these right wing thugs running around claiming we're soft on terror and OBL didn't deserve a trial. That's fascism. And where the fuck are all the fighting liberals on this board who would stand up to that shit?
"I would have cut his throat" someone bravely typed from behind his anonymous firewall connection. What a joke. He would have most likely wet himself.
Of course what this is all really about is this is supposed to be Barack Obama's coup. An event so definitive, so ground breakingly spectacular that all us doubters of his supreme magnificence should just fall in line.
This is why the roving mob, HR-ing and yelling "fuck you" to anyone who isn't 100% in line with GI Obama Action Figure's new preeminence is almost exactly the same people who appear to live on Daily Kos for the sole purpose of vitriolically attacking anyone who is dissatisfied with the president.
I wonder will the evil nemesis Osama bin Laden Action Figure come with the dialysis machine, or will that be sold separately.