Scroll down for this week's project. On tap this week: Making Future Scientists!
Reminder: Look for "The Inoculation Project" every Friday afternoon!
The Inoculation Project: Math & Science in Red State Schools
Solid science education is the best inoculation against ignorance.
The objective of this weekly project is to combat the anti-science push in conservative America by providing direct funding each week to math and science projects in red state classrooms.
Fortunately, a conduit organization for achieving this direct funding already exists: allows you to make direct contributions to specific classroom projects (all vetted), resulting in tremendous and immediate impacts from small dollar donations.
Each week we focus on funding a single small-dollar project in a traditionally red state classroom. These are projects whose funding requests are expiring within the next week. If the projects are not funded by their expiration date, they die.
This Week's Project
Project: Future Scientists in the Making!!!
Resources Needed: Science literature, manipulatives, hands-on exploration materials, puzzles, specimens, eyedroppers, and test tubes
School Poverty Level: Moderate
State: Georgia
Total Cost: $369.81
Still Needed: $93.81 FUNDED! See bonus project in comments below.
Expires: Jun 29, 2011
Click to Donate
Teacher's Comments:
My Students
Do you remember how fun and exciting it was to mix things together and watch them change? My students have not yet had the chance to experience these memorable school activities and experiments. We need experiment materials, test tubes, eyedroppers, hands-on activity kits, puzzles, and books.
I teach a special group of Kindergarten students that attend a charter school with a math and science focus. Their learning styles consist of hands-on exploring and discovery, and observation. They are eager to learn and do not mind a challenge. In our classroom, the challenge is the lack of materials and resources to help them discover the world around them through their favorite learning styles.
My Project
My students have a strong interest in science and the environment around them. They deserve to be able to use materials and resources to discover science. Science is best learned by hands-on activities and experiments. My students will learn how to sort, observe, create, and investigate the world around them.
Please help make our learning fun and exciting. My students will be able to enjoy learning with our new activities and resources. With your help, they will learn about the world around them, and be better prepared to take on life with a strong educational foundation.
Please consider rescuing this project by making a small donation to it. Small dollars make a big difference.
Good News
Last week's project, Making Math Marvelous!, got funded!
Here's what the teacher had to say:
I am so excited that this math project has been funded! Thank you to each and every one of you for making a difference in the lives of second grade students here in NC! Because of your generosity and interest in education, I will be able to provide hands on activities to engage my students in the practice of their developing math skills. I strive to encourage independence in my students and to provide opportunities for them to take charge of their own learning and these centers will be perfect for that! Your thoughtfulness is hugely appreciated!
With gratitude,
Ms. R.
Projects Funded So Far
Our list of successfully funded projects has gotten so huge, I gave it its own separate diary!
We're up to 112 funded projects.
Go check it out! (And be sure to click on the links for pictures of the kids working with the resources we provided for them.)
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All Math & Science Projects
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with, or any of the classroom projects presented for funding. I'm just volunteering my time and pixels to make a difference.