As written the triggers in the current compromised proposal do not do enough to make sure that in the future Republicans will accept compromise and agree to raise taxes. I have a proposal for a much better plan that will make sure that they have no choice to comply, or be seen as complete and total maniacs.
If we follow my more aggressive plan we will finally win a negotiation with the Republicans.
Okay, here is my idea for a trigger. We should assign a date at some point in the future. December 2, 2011 would be a good candidate. After this date, the trigger will automatically occur.
It has to be something really bad, because otherwise Republicans will not agree to raise taxes. I propose that after December 2 the automatic trigger will be that the United States will default on all our public debts.
I know, that sounds drastic, it would lead to the complete destruction of the economy of our country. That is a far worse consequence than the currently proposed Medicare and defense cuts, but this is the only way.
There is no possible way anyone could possibly imagine the Republicans refusing to negotiate on taxes in the face of such a consequence. I am sure that this bipartisan committee, in the face of such a horrible consequence, will have no choice but to agree to fair and balanced terms.
What say you? I think if we don't use such drastic measures, it might turn out that the Republicans will refuse to blink before our Democratic negotiators, and that is a fate I dare not imagine.