Ohio's SB 5 would, like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's infamous budget repair bill, eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees (among other things). And as in Wisconsin, voters are going to have a say in the outcome. In Wisconsin, that's through the recall process. In Ohio, SB 5 itself is
up for a vote this November after nearly a million valid signatures were collected by the repeal effort.
Now, that effort has cleared one more hurdle: the ballot question has been finalized, and efforts by SB 5 supporters to have it worded in a confusing way were rejected.
"We Are Ohio is pleased that Ohio Secretary of State Husted and the Ohio Ballot Board chose to follow the Ohio constitution and legal precedent by making a ‘no’ vote on Issue 2 a vote to repeal SB 5," said Melissa Fazekas, spokeswoman for We Are Ohio. "While our opposition may try to play political tricks to confuse voters, today’s decision by the Ohio Ballot Board will make that harder. Now that another hurdle has been cleared, We Are Ohio is focused on making sure our more than 1.3 million supporters know to vote ‘no’ on Issue 2 in November."
The official title of the issue hasn't yet been designated, but the question will read:
A majority yes vote is necessary for Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 5 to be approved.
Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 5 is a new law relative to government union contracts and other government employment contracts and policies.
A "YES" vote means you approve the law.
A "NO" vote means you reject the law.
YES (To approve the law)
NO (to reject the law)
If the pollsters are anywhere in the greater vicinity of accurate, SB 5 is going down to defeat. Tell your friends and family in Ohio that it's "Vote no on issue 2."