How much suck can you fit into this building? Lots, apparently.
These numbers are incredible.
A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds signs that another "wave" election with the potential to dramatically change the capital's political makeup may be building.
Only 24% of those surveyed say most members of Congress deserve re-election, the lowest standing since Gallup began asking the question in 1991. Fifty-six percent say their own representative deserves another term, similar to responses just before tumultuous elections in 1994, 2006 and 2010 that changed control of the House or Senate.
This Congress has lower ratings than the Congresses of 1994, 2006, 2008, and 2010 -- all wave election years.
And really, can anyone argue that either party deserves to retain the majority of their respective chambers? I certainly can't. The Senate Democratic majority certainly preferred to complain about Republican obstructionism than do anything about it by changing the rules at the start of the new Congress in early 2011.
It's just too bad that the alternative in the Senate would be a chamber led by Jim DeMint. Oh well. At least he'd get rid of the filibuster. It's not like Democrats would use it anyway, being too busy trying to be the "grownups in the room" to play hardball.