An Ohio group is gathering signatures in an effort to add an abortion ban to the state's constitution.
Personhood Ohio wants to put the issue before voters in 2012. The measure would amend Ohio's constitution to define a person as any human being at any stage of development, including fertilization.
Yup, the teabagger insanity express just keeps on speeding down the tracks in the Great State of Ohio! All being taken below the pretty orange squiggly.
Apparently, Personhood USA is making this big move across the United States to change every single state constitution to include the banning of abortion. Keith Mason, the president of Personhood USA, is not just happy with that goal, however; he wants to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban abortion.
"We're raising the issue up and producing the social tension necessary to change the way our country treats a pre-born child," Mason said.
Uhm, yeah, the pre-born children of this country are treated terribly- good thing we treat our Born Children so much better- you know, provide health care, the best education, heck just the simple balanced meal to all of the kids who are actually born in this country! Good thing the teabaggers have our best interests at heart!
Please, read the entire article here. After you read it, please stop and think about 2012 and the consequences of each little mark you make on that ballot, each little circle or square or check mark you make on that form. Elections have consequences...we here in the State of Ohio know this all too well from our Governor to the Speaker of the House. Elections have consequences- lord, we are being entertained with the idea of a "Joe the Plumber" run for office! Elections have consequences...and if this doesn't scare you, I don't know what will...
Dr. Patrick Johnston, a Zanesville pediatrician, is spearheading the effort for Personhood Ohio.
"I think the whole tea party movement has reinvigorated the movement to get something done at the state level instead of waiting on the federal government," said Johnston, who has spoken at five tea party rallies in Ohio. "Tea party resolution is strong in Ohio, and that has invigorated pro-lifers."
I have a 15 year old daughter and a 13 year old son- I am truly afraid for them and what their future may hold with idiots like this "invigorated".
Here's another article written from the Columbus Dispatch regarding the movement.