In a time when the 10th anniversary of 9-11 is nigh, bloggers and pundits alike are sharing their views on this horrific attack on American soil. Many are emphasizing remembrance; for the victims who died, for the First Responders who lost friends and, in some cases, their health, for the acts of terrific heroism on the part of ordinary citizens.
Yes, and also let us not forget the vultures who gathered after the towers went down.
The Scientology organization was quick to exploit this opportunity. Indeed, they saw it as such; a chance to profit from a high-profile disaster. Immediately, the word went out via email, soliciting funds from members to purchase copies of The Way to Happiness for distribution in New York City, and money to send Scientology Volunteer Ministers to Ground Zero.
By presenting itself as "National Mental Health Assistance," they managed to deceive Fox News into running their number across the screen on their broadcasts for five hours. People calling for help wound up speaking to representatives for Scientology, a group well-known for opposing the real mental health industry.
A sharp-eyed Scientology critic recognized the number as being the general number given for inquiries into Dianetics.
Intercepted emails from Scientologists in New York City are revealing, it shows that this group is intentionally using deceit to gain access to the vulnerable people still suffering from shock and grief. Moreover, it has deliberately interfered with legitimate mental health practitioners sent there to assist. Below are a few excerpts from these emails, sent out to Scientologists to promote this parasitic behavior by "Lt." Simon Hare, CO, I HELP Canada (in NY). (Note: the "Lieutenant" designates a rank in the Sea Org, not to be confused with actual military rank)
Intercepted email:
Dear All,
For the last two days I have been in New York Org running, with several other Sea Org members, the deployment of Volunteer Ministers into the disaster zone.
The Sea Org is Scientology's pretend Navy, and consists of the most dedicated members. These people sign a billion year contract when joining up. Volunteer Ministers have undergone an hour's training in Scientology style disaster training, mostly a technique known as a "touch assist," which is supposed to make one feel better. This was dreamed up by founder L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer and college dropout, a man who's "Doctorate" degree was purchased from a diploma mill.
After describing the scene, the Scientologist reporting goes on to say:
Intercepted email:
Additionally we are trying to move in and knock the psychs out of counseling to the grieving families and that could take another 100 plus people right now. Due to some brilliant maneuvering by some simply genius Sea Org Members we tied up the majority of the psychs who were attempting to get to families yesterday in Q&A, bullbait and wrangling. They have a hard time completing cycles of action and are pretty easy to disperse. But today they are out in full force and circling like vultures over these people and all of our resources are tied up in the support efforts in the disaster zone at present.
Scientology's greatest perceived enemy on Earth is "the psychs." This term refers to formally trained mental health professionals, from counselors to psychiatrists. Here they are blatantly admitting to interfering with rescue assistance efforts from that field. Here we see that distributing food and water is not their main goal in being on-scene, rather, it is access to the victims they are after. By keeping trained mental health professionals away from the scene, they have full access.
The Scientologist goes on to say:
Intercepted Scientology email:
There is nowhere on Earth right now that hurts like this place. These are brave people and they are the able and they don't know it but they need the Scientologists with LRH's tech to be here right now.
The fire-fighter company down the street from the org lost 14 members on Tuesday. No one can do anything for them or the rest but Scientologists. The other religions here with their ministers have shown their true colors and are working hand in hand with the psychs to give these people as much false data and restimulation as they can. They HAVE NO TECH and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. They've crossed over and abandoned anything spiritual and to hell with them.
Yes, only Scientologists with L. Ron Hubbard's program can do any good right now. Other ministers don't have Ron's wonderful "tech" and are working with real mental health professionals, threatening Scientology's access to potential victims. They are competition. To hell with them, indeed!
In a later report, this Scientologist describes gaining access to the disaster area.
Intercepted Scientology email:
There was a very large barricade there manned by both Police and Military and they absolutely refused to let us though. The SO member in charge of the VM's "snuck" about 5 of us in another way and on the way we gave out cold drinks to tired rescue workers.
Here we have untrained individuals putting themselves and rescuers in danger by their presence. Once inside, they would not leave.
Intercepted Scientology email:
Anyway, we of course jumped right in and helped by giving out food, drinks, unpacking etc... Soon thereafter we set-up an area for assists right there next to the medical area - outside. We put out 3 cots and we started body routing people in for nerve assists.
What this means is, they staked out a spot next to real medical personnel and began "body routing" victims in to deliver Hubbard's spurious "touch assists." By positioning themselves next to legitimate services, they hope no one will notice that they are merely untrained cultists seeking good PR and potential members.
The Scientologist then goes on to boast about how appreciated and useful they are, how they are one of the few groups allowed through the barricades (having sneaked in to begin with) and what wonderful things the Scientologists are doing to further their own agenda.
Copies of the Scientology emails were circulated to the media, resulting in several articles in newspapers and online news sources today. When indications that this was happening was noticed by Scientology on the alt.religion.scientology newsgroup, a site mostly critical of Scientology and its abuses, a further email was sent by the Scientologist pleading for silence.
Intercepted Scientology email:
This is just going to be a quick communication to the group!
As part of a briefing given to a group going to ground zero this evening (some folks from LA), we were informed not to give out any information about what is going on down there via the internet.
However, we are allowed to call people to share the good news, or news in general.
This restriction was communicated as being necessary in that the internet can be infiltrated, and possibly this information could be gotten into the wrong hands, altered, etc.
Therefore I am afraid that I can not give you all the kinds of detailed messages as I have been in the past, and I am sorry for that.
This information did indeed get into the "wrong hands," the hands of people who know the true nature of Scientology and are not afraid to expose them for the fraudulent criminal organization that they are.
This was not the only opportunistic thing the cult did immediately post-911. They spent $60,000 to get fliers inserted into every distribution of the San Diego Union Tribune. Unfortunately, they used a very old flier, modified by mentioning bin Laden and terrorism, which had an old address from the 1970s listed.
Two billboards went up in San Diego, advertising Scientology Volunteer Ministers, "Something can be done about it!"
Members of Scientology were pressured to purchase copies of The Way to Happiness at a cost of $1.40 apiece, to be distributed in New York City. Scientology has its own presses, so it was interesting that a booklet that would cost .14 cents apiece to print were being sold to well-meaning members at a profit.
Members were also urged to purchase fancy and overpriced leather-bound editions to give the firefighters and police First Responders.
Not long after September 11, Tom Cruise appeared in New York City to promote the Grand Opening of the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, another iteration of Scientology's "purification rundown," a regimen of sauna and vitamins. This bit of cult quackery is also utilized within the organization as a religious ritual, and is also the main program behind Narconon, Scientology's drug rehab front group.
Medically debunked and deemed dangerous by former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, this junk science was imposed on men and women who are now having health problems from exposure to the poisonous gasses and dust resulting from the huge cloud of filth that rolled down New York city streets.
Funded in part by donations, they have received over $600,000 in public money from former Manhattan councilwoman Margarita Lopez.
This fraudulent quackery is also being used in Utahto "detoxify" police officers exposed to meth labs. There are rumors that this program may be "tested" on American veterans.
It is unbelievable that such blatant quackery is not only not scrutinized by authorities, but that some politicians actually endorse it.
These pages explain the detox program in detail. It is common knowledge that a dose of arsenic can kill you. The same science reveals that the doses of niacin used in this program can cause permanent liver disease, blindness, and other severe health issues, yet nothing is done to protect First Responders from this horrible Scientology quackery.
In Quebec, Narconon Trois Rivieres is a Scientology flagship. It is one of the larger Narconon facilities, taking in clients from the US as well as Canada. Their program and practices are currently under heavy scrutiny from more than one government office. Some of the things being studied, the dangerous treatments, practicing medicine without a license, unqualified recent graduates being hired back as counselors, abuse and exploitation of vulnerable people, drug and alcohol use on the property, medical emergencies and deaths.
The Narconon program is about to be shut down for many reasons, one being that the program itself is dangerous. And, like dominoes, the others will fall, one at a time. At some point, American authorities are no longer going to be able to ignore this issue in hopes that it will be the next electee's problem.
Our firefighters, police officers and other First Responders deserve better than to be used by a destructive cult as guinea pigs and fundraising opportunities.