In case you were wondering whether Hillary Clinton would've been a better, more progressive president than Barack Obama:
Barack Obama is careening down the wrong path towards re-election.
He should be working as a president, not a candidate.
He should be claiming the vital center, not abandoning it.
He should be holding down taxes rather than raising them.
He should be mastering the global economy, not running away from it.
And most of all, he should be bringing the country together rather than dividing it through class warfare.
Mark Penn, of course, was Hillary Clinton's chief campaign strategist, and before that, the architect (along with Dick Morris) of Bill Clinton's "triangulation" (i.e. "hippy punching"). While Obama has been slow to adapt to GOP obstructionism, don't think for a second that Clinton would've fared any better, particularly with Penn whispering in her ear.
That piece could've been written by John Boehner. And to think—he was so close to getting a second tour of duty in the White House.
P.S. What the fuck does "mastering the global economy" even mean?