#OccupyWallStreet protesters marched to the Postal Workers protest rally. They arrived there just a short while ago after at least one confrontation with the NYPD blocking them from crossing a street about a half hour ago.
I believe the rally is this one at 201 Varick St., New York and the Congressman speaking is Jerrold Nadler.
Another speaker with a megaphone just announced that the OccupyWallStreet are there to support the postal workers and the crowd cheered loudly. Cars are going by honking horns.
They are chanting
What's disgusting? Union busting.
Tune in to the livestream to watch here:
5:10pm Looks like the livefeed has lost sound for the moment. That showdown earlier when the police were blocking them from crossing the street was tense. One protester was standing in front of a policeman in a white shirt with many other police surrounding him, asking why they were not allowed to cross a public street. The officer said nothing as the question was asked repeatedly. The NYPD TARU were there filming the whole thing. Finally, I heard someone say that another officer had come along to say that the protesters should be allowed to walk along the streets. They were staying on the sidewalk and staying closely together. At one point they changed their common chant of "This is what democracy looks like" to "This is what police state looks like".
5:14pm Sound is back now on the livefeed.
5:20pm From davidmizner in the comments: Matt Taibbi is heading down to the #OccupyWallStreet protest tomorrow.
'Occupy Wall Street': Drawing the Battle Lines
I would imagine the end game of any movement against Wall Street corruption is going to involve some very elaborate organization. There are going to have to be consumer and investor boycotts, shareholder revolts, criminal prosecutions, new laws passed, and other moves. But a good first step is making people aware of the battle lines. It sounds like these demonstrations have that potential. Anyway, I’m going to check them out tomorrow. In the meantime, I encourage people to check out their site, and investigate for yourselves.
5:28pm Problems with sound again.
5:30pm Protesters using the people's microphone to talk to the postal workers. They are thanking them, saying that "there's no power like people power" and saying they have to leave now. They are inviting them back to Liberty Square. It's hard to tell but I think the postal workers just chanted a thank you to the #OccupyWallStreet protesters for coming.
5:40pm From Twitter:
@OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Now we're protesting with Postal Service employees! #OccupyWallStreet livestream.com/globalrevolution
44 minutes ago via web
@OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Poster worker #Solidarity march is beautiful! #OccupyWallStreet
1 hour ago via web
5:43pm Cornell West at Zuccotti Park with #OccupyWallStreet protesters
@SlaughterAM Anne-Marie Slaughter
Cornell West has joined
#occupyWallStreet http://t.co/...
7 minutes ago via web

Note: During the march to the postal workers rally, Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow! was spotted walking with the protesters. Susan Sarandon was at the park this morning giving advice.
6:00pm Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow! is at Zuccotti Park. (I haven't figured out whether the protesters are now calling it Liberty Park, Square or Plaza so will continue calling it Zuccotti for now). Below is a screenshot from the livefeed just now. I believe she is talking to Vlad and Nikky, who we met last Saturday, but I'm not certain.

6:10pm Protesters who marched back from the postal workers rally are returning to Zuccotti Park.
7:00pm Dr. Cornel West is speaking at the general assembly using the people's microphone. Sadly, the livestream sound quality has been very bad. People will be recording this and it will show up on youtube. When one shows up, I will post it here.
7:30pm Hat tip to CitizenofEarth in the comments for this link to the Susan Sarandon interview from this morning.
7:38pm I see that WaronError has put some of the livestream video a the postal workers rally up on YouTube:
7:49pm General Assembly meeting continues. Sadly, the audio problems continue with the livefeed. One of the people on the livechat says that the problem is called "stuttering" and it is an internet upload problem, so presumably it has to do with their connectivity at the park. Still there are times when the audio is clearer and you can hear what they are saying even given the difficulty of the audio problems and the fact that because they are not allowed a microphone or megaphone, they're using the wonderful (but not always so easy to understand) people's microphone.

8:00pm According to the live chat, the rapper you just saw was Immortal Technique.
8:37pm The speech by Dr. Cornel West tonight in the general assembly is on YouTube now.
10:00pm In the DemocracyNow! segment yesterday, the girl who took a direct hit in the face with the pepper spray was interviewed. You can see her at the 2:01 mark. She is wearing sunglasses.
10:05pm Another video clip from the livestream at the postal workers rally.
10:18pmCornel West sent this out via Twitter and he also said this while he was talking at the General Assembly tonight. I'm going to run and retweet that right now.
@CornelWest Cornel West
Don't be afraid to say Revolution! #OccupyWallStreet #NYC @OccupyWallSt
47 minutes ago via HootSuite