Ohio defeated Issue 2. A veto on a so-called right to work bill was upheld in New Hampshire. But anti-worker forces don't give up—they've moved on to Indiana, where Republican legislators have said that passing so-called right to work is their
top priority, and have advanced shady polling and arguments that
don't hold water to support it. Now, the Indiana AFL-CIO is running
this ad, along with a radio ad, urging Hoosiers to contact their state legislator and tell them to vote against the bill.
As a reminder, workers in states with RTW laws earn less than workers in other states, even when you adjust for cost of living. Additionally, proponents of "right to work" want you to believe that without such a law, you can forced to join a union to get a job. In fact, that is never true, by federal law. What RTW laws say, and the reason they are often called free rider laws, is that you don't even have to pay your fair share of what a union does for you. In states without free rider laws, if the union negotiates a contract that gets you a raise, or represents you in a grievance, you pay for those services even if you choose not to belong to the union. As you can guess, if you pass a law that says people can get services for free without paying for them, some of them will—but in this case, it's calculated to weaken the unions, which makes things worse for freeloaders and union members alike.
Let your friends and family in Indiana know that this push by Republicans isn't about giving anyone any rights or creating any jobs, it's about weakening unions and driving down wages for Indiana's workers.