Nor a pre-made birthday cake, and quite possibly any baked goods except for Wonder bread.
Strange how on one hand the Rethugs say they are against big Government, but given half a chance to put thumbscrews on the poor and disadvantaged, well, Game On!
Check this out:
Legislation that would prevent people from using electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards or benefits from Florida’s Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program for non-nutritional items such as candy, cakes or other foods with sugar or corn syrup passed through a House committee Monday
The bill ostensibly was to ban use of electronic food stamp and benefit cards from being used at casinos, internet cafes and stores with liquor licences but the leadership wanted to go a step further...
When some Republican members of the committee voiced objection, the leadership layed out its intention:
Plakon defended the proposal as a way to prevent waste and make sure taxpayer funds were being spent appropriately.
"These are taxpayer dollars," Plakon said. "It's already in the law that we put restrictions on the use of food stamps. We’re already infringing on their rights as you would put it . . . we’re just talking about how big that list is."
Democrats on the committee offered amendments that helped prove the ridiculousness of the effort by Plakon:
Rep. Mark Pafford (D West Palm Beach) tried to sweeten the bill with a “cupcake amendment” that would have allowed food stamp users to purchase cakes or cupcakes for birthdays.
“It’s just an exception for a child to celebrate a birthday by having a cake or a cupcake,” Pafford, D-West Palm Beach, explained.
But Plakon wouldn’t swallow.
After lively debate, the original measure passed the committee by an 8-6 vote, with the Republican members being satisfied that the offending parts of the bill would be revisited before a floor vote. This entire episode illustrates the GOP circus that is in session right now, with super-majorities controlling both chambers.
The good news is, the birthday boys and girls whose families are struggling will likely be able to get their cake......
Chances are it won’t matter whether the lawmakers approve the ban on junk food or not.
The feds would have to sign off on a waiver to impose the restrictions. Several states have applied for the waiver but the U.S. Department of Agriculture has denied them all.