Monday one more time. Science talk returns to brighten your day with selections from science sites across the globe. New discoveries, new takes on old knowledge, and other bits of news are all available for the perusing in today's information world. Today's tidbits include scientists predict major shifts in Pacific ecosystems by 2100, ants share decision making to diminish 'information overload', maybe it is not too late for troubled global fisheries, and a new method of coating bone increases the odds of successful grafts.
Pull up that comfy chair and grab a spot on the porch. There is always plenty of room for everyone. Another session of Dr. Possum's science education, entertainment, and potluck discussion is set to begin.
Featured Stories
Scientific models of climate change predict large changes in the Pacific Ocean leading to changes in the ecosystem.
The researchers conclude that some critical ocean habitats could undergo significant changes in location, moving more than 600 miles from where they are now, while other habitats could remain relatively unchanged.
Among large animals, loggerhead turtles, some sharks and blue whales may face the harshest impacts of climate change while some seabirds may actually benefit. Not only are species at risk, but also coastal communities and industries could feel the impact since top predator habitat shifts can result in the displacement of fisheries and ecotourism, such as whale watching.
At least one species of
Southwest ant shares decision making around the colony rather than leaving the burden on individuals.
The pair (of researchers) designed experiments with artificial nest sites to evaluate the ants’ decision-making abilities. Both colonies and individual ants were given two levels of tasks. Ants had to choose between two nests, or they had to choose among eight nests. In both experiments, half the nests were unsuitable. Nests are frequently chosen based on entrance and cavity size, as well as darkness and other features.
Researchers discovered that individual ants made much worse decisions when faced with eight options rather than two, meaning that they experienced cognitive overload. Colonies, on the other hand, did equally well with either two or eight options, showing that they could handle the harder problem as a collective.
Between the pressures of overfishing and ongoing climate change
global fisheries are suffering today.
The report shows that where gains are being made, such as in the U.S., where many large fisheries are starting to recover, they result from a combination of efforts: relying on strong science to set total allowable fishing levels, closing some areas to allow for stock rebuilding, and using sustainable seafood markets and rights-based management strategies that give fishermen secure access to a proportion of catch. The report shows that, while there is no one-size-fits-all solution to eliminate overfishing, success can come from employing proven principles and practices while fine-tuning them to suit the specific circumstances and characteristics of individual locations around the world.
As orthopedic surgeons look for new and improved ways of repairing various bone abnormalities a
new method of coating bone grafts may aid the healing process.
The researchers found that by coating a bone with the inorganic compound hydroxyapatite, using physical vapor deposition, they could closely mimic the rough surface of an untreated bone.
To find the optimum thickness of hydroxyapatite, (researchers) Donahue and Loiselle sterilized the graft samples in their lab at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. After sterilization, the samples went to the University Park campus, where physical vapor deposition layered different amounts of hydroxyapatite on the grafts. Then the samples were returned to Hershey for Donahue and Loiselle to test.
The researchers saw that the optimum thickness of hydroxyapatite was in the middle of what they tested. If the hydroxyapatite coating was not thick enough -- or there was none -- the graft implant worked, but did not integrate as well as if there were a few nanometers more layered onto the surface. If the hydroxyapatite was too thick, the graft implant again worked, but did not integrate as well as the researchers had seen was possible.
Knucklehead's Photo of the Week
Tamale Tom
©Knucklehead, all rights reserved, presented by permission. (Click on the image to see more in the same series.)
Other Worthy Stories of the Week
Fly over the moon with new high-res 3-D images
Slow moving rocks better odds that life crashed to Earth from space
Life in the extreme
NASA's Chandra shows Milky Way is surrounded by halo of hot gas
Orbiting solar fleet peers into coronal cavities
Climate is changing the Great Barrier Reef
Researchers use new statistical method to show fraudulent voting in Russian election
Record Arctic snow melt may be prolonging North American drought
Climate change could cripple southwestern U.S. forests
Chocolate makes snails smarter
Oldest ivory workshop in the world discovered
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The Skeptics Guide to the Universe--a combination of hard science and debunking crap
At Daily Kos:
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A More Ancient World by matching mole
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Sunday Science Videos by palantir
NASA picture of the day. For more see the NASA image gallery or the Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
Giant Asteroid Vesta, NASA, Public Domain