President Obama is going to WIN. I believe that and I have faith in that. I had hoped that this week would never come but in the back of my mind I knew it would. This is the week that MSM with a big assist from President Obama turned the Presidential race into a horserace. For anyone who is in denial that this is truly a race please see PPP Poll and We can quibble with cross-tabs and the like but the bottom line is this race is tightening and we're going to have to work our butts off to make sure President Obama is sworn into office January 20, 2013. In the meantime, for sanity sake this would be a good week to do the following....
1. If possible continue to donate to President Obama and the Democratic House & Senate race candidates.
2. Go down to the local Democratic/Obama offices and put in some work with whatever it is they need.
3. Continue to talk to friends and family about why it is important for President Obama AND Democratic candidates to win this election in November.
4. Go into a media BLACK-OUT (except Kos and the VP Debate on Thurs. of course). No tv, no blogs, no newspapers, nothing.
5. Fill up that empty space that would normally be full of political tv, blogs, and newspapers with all the shows you've missed on your DVR and some good books. Last night I watched Kramer vs. Kramer on one of the cable channels & I'd forgot how good the movie was. It took my mind off of all of the things I can't control for a few hours.
The 1st debate is over. It wasn't the knock out blow we'd all hoped for but it's over. Bottom line is President Obama is still in a position to win this election and win it we will. We've just got to not get too distracted and keep working hard....VERY hard. But to keep our sanity in check we can't let our highs get too high and our lows too low. Example, based on some of the diaries here today Morning Joe this morning would have sent my blood pressure through the roof. That is why I didn't watch him this morning. My low could have been really low. Maybe some of us (but of course none of us here at KOS) were getting a little complacent. Well, if they were we shouldn't be anymore. Now is not the time to put our head down and have a woe is me moment. Mitt Romney didn't over the last 18 months that he's been losing to the President and today he has a little momentum (albeit still losing). I certainly won't over these last few weeks. So, this week the MSM will make this ugly for Team Obama. I'm not having ANY of it. I'm going to watch the 1st season of Scandal on ABC, maybe the Voice on NBC, the replay of Steel Magnolias the 2012 version as well as the original, and who knows maybe even find out what all the fuss is over Honey Boo Boo.
I hope this diary helps some of us to not live & die over polls, not get distracted, work even harder, and to take a long & deep breath until we win in November.