Earlier this year the immigration reform community won a huge victory when President Obama announced a deferred action policy to stop the deportations of DREAMers.
But now the program is under attack from anti-immigrant extremist Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State, who has filed a lawsuit to stop it. We can't let extremist politicians like him roll back this crucial protection for DREAMers.
Please call Kris Kobach's office at (866) 877-5529 and tell him to DROP HIS LAWSUIT against DREAMers.
hen you call, you'll hear a message from us first. Here's what to say once you're connected:
"My name is, NAME, from STATE. I’m calling to ask Mr. Kobach to drop his lawsuit against DREAMer deferred action and to stop interfering with immigration policy around the country.”
Kris Kobach is the author of anti-immigrant state laws like Arizona’s SB 1070. He was also the immigration advisor to Mitt Romney, whose promise to veto the DREAM Act and end deferred action cost him the Latino vote.
Kobach needs to know that the time for his extremism is over, and give up his hard-line anti-immigrant positions.
Call his office (866) 877-5529 to tell him to DROP HIS LAWSUIT against DREAMers.
Today, November 20th, DREAMers from all over the nation are rallying in Topeka, Kansas against Kobach to demand that he stop attacking them and their families. Let's show Kobach that people from around the country support the DREAMers and oppose his extremist views.
P.S. Once you've made your phone call, please let us know how it went by filling out this form.