I know we have some Kossacks in these area. This could be a very hazardous weekend for travel.
Here's the report from NOAA. I checked the weather tonight to see if Saturday would be a good day for our FIRST SLC KOSSACK Get Together. It will be find, might want to bring an umbrella just in case. Temp 57 degrees.
Here's the link for NOAA warnings.
Be safe, be prepared and stock up on what you need. Stay tuned to weather warnings this weekend.
High winds, large precipitation events, possible flooding, wet, heavy snow could affect power.
I had to share this just in case our northern neighbors in Southern Idaho hadn't been alerted.
See you Saturday, brave SLC Kossacks, for our very first get together.
Wunderground offers a great Weather Warning interactive map, link here
You can zoom in and out to see your area.
Click on each area to view a written description for each Weather alert.
Be safe.