Yes, The GOP Believes In Real Change
Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the entirety of Team Rape, otherwise known as the Republican party, are touting "Real Change". If you want their "Real Change", this is what a vote for their "Real Change" will get you:
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape propose a 4.6 Trillion dollar tax cut that benefits the wealthy to a tune of $250,000 per year and saddles the middle class with higher taxes. They promise to lower your tax rate, but they will also do away with all of your deductions and credits. So, stop for a moment and think: Your rate may be lower, but you actually will pay more. Take a look at the non-partisan report of The Tax Policy Center. Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape, as late as today, are talking limited government. Romney and Ryan have both made commitments to privatize every government program possible. Those programs include education, FEMA, Social Security. The programs that they are unable to privatize, they will do away with. So, your Social Security will rest on the rise or fall of the stock market, disaster relief will rely on private companies with whom your individual states have contracted. Education? Romney and his cohorts want student loans back in the hands of the big banks; with the banks making the profits and students paying more. They want to slash Pell Grants. They want all of education to be run by corporations, and because they believe that corporations are people, that is good for our children? Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape say they will create more jobs. Look at their record. The Republican Congress has turned down almost every plan to create jobs, including work programs for Veterans. Romney says he knows how to create jobs. Look at his record. He created jobs, alright, but they were overseas and came with low wages and no benefits. The jobs that Romney always points to in the US are the jobs at Staples. Let's see, how much do those jobs pay? The average Staples wage is $10.00 per hour. Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape will decimate Medicare and Medicaid. Look up the Ryan budget. Read it, because every single Republican, including Romney, has endorsed it. The voucherization of Medicare is estimated to cost each senior $6 thousand dollars more a year. Considering that the average Social Security ( check is well under $1300.00 per month, seniors will be financially destroyed. They will have $700 per month to live on. They plan to slash Medicaid so much that Kaiser estimates up to 20 million people will lose coverage, most of them seniors and children. Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape do not believe that women should receive equal pay for equal work. They do not believe in a minimum wage. They believe that OSHA (safety for workers in the workplace) should not exist. They are of the opinion that any regulations designed to protect workers' lives and safety are a detriment to the free market system. Corporations would never let workers get hurt; they're nicer than that... Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape do not believe in Obamacare. By vowing to repeal Obamacare, they are siding with those who believe that people with pre-existing conditions should be denied coverage and should be charged higher rates. By repealing Obamacare, they are guaranteeing that women, just because they ARE women, will pay more for coverage than men. By repealing Obamacare, children up to 26, almost 3 million of them, will lose their coverage. The doughnut hole for seniors, now closed, will come back. Preventive care covered with no co-pay, will again become expensive. I could go on for several pages here, but won't. I just ask: Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape are relying on George W. Bush's advisers to teach them foreign policy. No doubt, if they win, the very men who advocated for and lied about the war in Iraq will be in the White House again, advocating for more pre-emptive wars. Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
•Romney, Ryan and Team Rape do not believe that any woman should have the power to choose. They are saying otherwise, but please, please, please, do some research. The Republican party platform pushes for the Personhood Amendment. It is on pages 13 and 14 of the Platform document. That means any woman who gets an abortion could be charged with murder. No exceptions! It also means that most forms of hormonal birth control (the pill), will be outlawed. They advocate government small enough to drown in Grover Norquist's bathtub, but big enough to get inside of every woman's uterus. Is this the "Real Change" that you want?
I have thought about Romney, Ryan and Team Rape alot. When I first saw the signs that said, "Real Change", I thought they were finally admitting that Romney "really changes" his positions daily, but no such luck. Instead of that, the "Real Change" they promote are "Really Bad Changes" as described above. If those are the "Real Changes" that you want, vote for Romney, Ryan and Team Rape. Go ahead! Vote against your best interests and mine.