This is a re-post from last night , but I urge everyone to please use the websites and toll free phone numbers set forth in my diary from last night to make certain you are going to the right polling place, you are listed as registered and you have what you need in your state to vote, plus help others to vote, as well as combat attempts at voter suppression and disenfranchisement.
There is a simple online tool created by The League of Women Voters to locate your polling place anywhere in the United States at the following website:
My Address/
If you don't know where you're polling place is located, for whatever reason, or you just want to be sure, and you have access to the internet by mobile phone, tablet, laptop or your own or public (i.e., library) computer, you can just type in your address and get your polling place information as well as directions. You can also verify your registration status, or if you live in a state with same day registration and voting find out what you need to do if you are not registered. Simply enter your address, which will take you to the screen where your polling place is listed along with links to a map and directions if needed.
Then scroll down to "Verify Registration Status" box and click on the link to "your state's voter verification tool" link or click on "your local board of elections" link.
In addition, if you are taking someone to the polls, this is a good way to make certain you are taking them to the right location to vote, and also to discover if they have any issues with their registration status.
The website also lists the Election Protection toll free numbers:
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
1-866-MYVOTE1 (866-698-6831)
Call these numbers if you have any trouble at the polls or witness voter suppression efforts, such as challenging people to produce identification when none is needed or otherwise trying to prevent a registered voter from voting.
For a list of your state's requirements to vote go to this website run by Election Protection at and click on your state to find state specific information on what you need to ensure you can vote or just call the 1-866-Our Vote or 1-866-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español) for more detailed answers.
Good Luck, and Good Voting.
UPDATE: Link to comment in Meteor Blades Front Page story with a list of voter hotlines in 15 states