While we're all recovering from yesterday's exciting result, I wanted to share this amazing Cory Booker story with those who haven't seen it yet.
So post-hurricane Sandy, as he as tended to do when disaster strikes (whether it be snowstorms or burning buildings), Cory Booker has been borrowing Nate Silver's wizard dust and utterly dominating his constituent's needs on Twitter. Then this happened.
But it doesn't end there. It turns out the folks at the HotPocket corporation follow social media and decided to take advantage of a great marketing opportunity.
Seriously, OMG that is so WIN.
But it wasn't over there. See, there was apparently an angry Romney supporter who had to chime in and was apparently angry at this government Obamapocket conspiracy when they should be channeling Rush Limbaugh and Dick Morris' hot air into the homes without power and heat. Cory was ready though.