Rich Uncle Pennybags and 40 of his rich friends
donated a quarter of Mitt Romney's campaign funds.
Yessiree, Mitt Romney is just an ordinary man of the people running for president as a voice for the middle class, and if you look at his campaign filings, you'll
see that very clearly:
A quarter of the money amassed by Romney’s campaign and an allied super PAC has come from just 41 people, each of whom has given more than $100,000, according to a Washington Post analysis of disclosure data. Nearly a dozen of the donors have contributed $1 million or more.
Here's the thing: If a quarter of the money you raise comes from 41 sources, if elected, there is no way you come into office feeling that your main duty is to represent middle-class people. Mitt the candidate is not being supported by middle-class people in the ways that count to him (like the money to run all those ads attacking Newt Gingrich), he's being supported by 41 people who can give more than $100,000 apiece to elect the president they want.
Mitt Romney wouldn't come into office saying he was there for the 0.1 percent, but whose phone calls do you think he would take?